Runway with obstruction

Can anyone tell me the name of an airport that has a decent sized obstruction at the crosswind end of the runway such that you need to crank the throttle to get enough altitude to clear it?

Have you noticed trees?
Many airports have them.


I have seen trees but I was wanting to find a specific airport if someone knew of one and not have to hunt around for it.

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It’s only a grass strip runway but will this do?


Btw the tree does not exist irl


Do trees and buildings act as wind obstacles in this game?

Lukla. At one end, there’s a mountain.

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This was perfect, thank you!

From the 06 runway I think you need an F18 to rotate off in that short of space with that mountain there LOL! A 152 does not even have enough power to get up the hill there!

St Baarts.

The Obstruction is a massive hill when departing 26

We’re talking wheels touching car roof tops

How about PADQ?


Thanks for all the suggestions folks. I just needed an obstruction for a bit of broll for a video I made about how weather impacts aircraft performance in MSFS. If that topic is of interest to you you can see the video here:

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This is the one I was thinking about… PADQ

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