Ryzen 5900X strange CPU Usage, low FPS

I am in the odd. I am GPU limited I would say 90% of the time. I built a new PC a few months ago and paired an i7 10700KF with an rtx2060super running 1440p ultrawide. Older CPU I was hitting massive CPU bottlenecks but they are occasions where the 2060s would drop below 90% and this mostly occurs during landing at big airports.
10700k just chills in the background while the 2060s gets worked like a dog.

Just to check, you did change the power management profile for your CPU right?

How does your CPU stack up using Cinebench? Even UserBenchmark would give you a rough idea if you really did have a serious issue with the CPU itself.

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Unless you’re getting 10 fps (yes slight exaggeration) i don’t think anything is completely wrong. At the moment the approach phase at medium/large airports especially in glass cockpits are going to give a large reduction in frame rates.

If you were complaining before Jan/Feb then i would agree you have an issue but at the moment 33fps and fluctuations to the mid twenties depending on whats going on with the approach and whats in view (weather/Traffic etc) is going to give that performance regardless of what graphics card is being used.
MOST IMPORTANTLY … Skip Talbot mentioned that the Midway screenshot in his post showing everything playing nice was BEFORE Asobo borked the sim performance with both the UK World update and the immediate Sim update after that. The sim has not fully recovered since then with performance deg at the aforementioned places.

Its not that im trying to be unhelpful. but you have to be realistic about where this sim is at presently and the capabilities and configuration of your entire setup. Not just the fact that you have a 5900x and a RTX 3090 and you expect the sim to be smooth as silk at all times.

From your cinebench single thread score i can tell that your system isn’t quite fully optimized however from the looks of it you seem to be getting decent performance from the sim.

If you want better performance you will have to change your focus and start to optimize things that are limiting.
What does your bios settings look like? Do you understand what some of the settings do in terms of affecting performance ?
Do you have standard or Advanced PBO enabled and what are the settings? What is your cpu and Gpu cooling situation? Have they been monitored under load ? What are the peak single core frequencies and temps under load ?
How does your system compare to others with the same hardware in other benchmarks (Not userbenchmark …that “benchmark” is a joke) 3dmark scores cinebench scores (well we know that you’re a little under on that one) etc. 1547 single core does not appear to be the standard 5900x cinebench r23 score (For example… mine is 1623)

I also strongly recommend not installing Geforce experience. Unless you are specifically using a feature within that program (filters etc) It “analyses and changes settings” . I prefer having the stock driver install and changing my own settings as needed.

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Userbench might be a joke (I think of it as more ‘broad-brush’ than a joke), but it would show him
in seconds if his CPU was well off the pace or not.

More in-depth investigation is great but he really needs to know, in as easy way as is possible, if there is actually a problem with his CPU performance.

Userbench would let him do that.

A lot of people don’t want to have to deal with all this stuff. You buy a high end system and it should just work, particularly given the cost. People shouldn’t have to spend hours testing, running benchmarks and so on to determine if they have a faulty product or not. It’s great that you can if you want, but you shouldn’t have to if that’s not your thing.

The fact is he’s demonstrably seeing below par performance for the spec of his system. I posted my settings above which give me a perfectly acceptable performance in the game on a 3900x and 2080ti and he should be achieving the same performance at the very least. That doesn’t appear to be the case.

He needs to know if there is an issue with the CPU ASAP, and if there is then if it were me, I’d be going straight back to where I bought it from.

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If you or the OP dont want to do the leg work to optimize your systems no problem Its your system and your call. You could just send it back then. Just bear in mind that as long as the components are within spec hes not going to get anywhere with whomever he bought it from.

Also as i pointed out earlier the OP is comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. You cannot be comparing the sims performance in March with a screenshot taken a couple updates before and try to then chase and expect that level of performance. I still affirm that under the present build on approach to a med/large airport depending on a bunch of factors 33fps is expected. Yet OP is pointing out screenshots taken before the UK update as the goalposts when here we are in June 4 major updates later

And again there are more appropriate comparison benchmarking applications that i trust than userbenchmark. A benchmark program needs to be standardized and objective and with them that comes into question.

But carry on.

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I know Userbenchmark is ■■■■■■, but I testes it and I got (I think in all of my HW parts) more than expected. Also Chinebench I got not TOP values, but I think for not optommizin anything all the Benchmarks are “in range”.

That was exactly the intend of the thread, to get an idea of the problem is caused by HW (so I would give it back, but I think that’s not the reason), or if there is some incomp. between HW or, the most reasonable, if I just have some wrong settings…

Hi Maxison,

first of all, thanks for your very detailed response!

let me try to answer step by step:

  1. Skip Talbot did also test later ( Post from March 21st), which I did exactly same setting, same Update, Same Windows Version, Same nVidia Drivers, and he nearly got much more performance than me. A friend of mine, has the same system than me, except a 3080 instead a 3090. He gets better performance than me. At the same time with the same updates and same settings.

  2. To test as neutral as possible, we turned off everything like weather, traffic, multiplayer etc.

  3. Do you have any suggestions to optimize? I would really appreciate any option to solve “the problem”

  • PBO is on Auto, no changes, all standard, I think the same like Skip Talbot
  • XMP-Profile is active (3600 MHz)
  • GPU is cool, most of the time below 55°C
  • CPU is around 70°C
  1. Of course I’do the work to optimitze, but when others get nearly doubled performance, without optimizing, the problem might be anywhere else.

Thanks and cheers,


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Thanks for the response.

You had stated that PBO is set to auto correct? Can you please change that setting to enabled ? Or better yet. Go to the advanced section and under AMD overclocking /Precision Boost Overdrive select enabled. You should see the options of (Enabled/Advanced/Mainboard/Manual/Disabled) depending on the mainboard manufacturer.

Auto on some bios settings is default for off. You want it to say enabled.
Humor me and install and run 3dmark timespy and post your score. You should be getting a CPU score in the region of 14,000 and above.

After that we can try to work on your software config. You have the hardware to run stock ultra at 4k and not mess with it any further. Also, What is your monitors resolution ?
You did install the AMD B550 Chipset drivers right ?


Have you maybe enabled the game mode in AMD ryzen master? If so, it uses half of your CPU.

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Thanks Man!

I’ll do the 3DMark/Timespy tests, give me some days, I’M quite busy these days :slight_smile:
I’ll think it’s enabled (Auto), because I got Single Core boost up to 4.8/4.9 GHz. But I’ll turno it on for the next tests :slight_smile: (BTW: Mainboard is the MSI B550 Gaming Carbon WiFi).

Monitor Resolution is 3840 x 2160.
Latest Chipset Drivers (some days old now) and BIOS is installed. :slight_smile:

@eklester tried Gaming Mode enabled and disabled, no changes (not ONE FPS) :open_mouth:

Hi @Maxisone ,

Seems quite to low, right?
But not as low, that sth might be broken, right?

Yeah your missing 1000 to 1300 points on the cpu with that CPU score. Kinda odd

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But score os to high that it might be an HW issue right?

You know what is crazy? In the first test PBO was set to AUTO, now I set it manually to enabled, closed all tasks (like afterburner) and it got (just a little bit) worse.

These are my scores. Obviously my 6800xt is overclocked so don’t mind that.

Focusing on pure cpu score this is what it should look like. I think either your cpu is throttling or something is misconfigured.

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Wow, that’s quite a big gap to me ^^

So the question is, how to find out where the problem is.
I reset my bios yesterday, no changes at all.
Any idea where to start?

What I found out by coincidence with a friend (he has an 5800X):
He got less FPS outside the cockpit (because of his GPU Limit, as he has a slower GPU), BUT he got more FPS in the cockpit.

To get numbers:
EDDM, Boeing T-45, clear skies

Cockpit me: 36 FPS (CPU Load: 18%, GPU Load: 62%)

Outside me: 51 FPS (CPU Load: 24%, GPU Load: 83%)

Cockpit friend: ~39 FPS
Outside friend: ~39 FPS

So what is kind of strange, that also the CPU Load is less in the case with less FPS. That lead me to think about, that something other than the CPU is throtteling?
Because it makes sense, that with fewer CPU Load I get less FPS, right?

So I’ve that behaviour with nearly every aircaft (btw Cockpit Refresh rate is set to low), that I get 15 to 20 FPS less in the Cockpit than in the outside view. BTW: If I look down in the cockpit to the instruments, I get more FPS, the low FPS I just get when looking threw the window.