Saab / ATR / De Havilland

Does anyone have a whisper of a commercial developer working on a larger turboprop aircraft? This is the category I miss the most at the moment.

Saab 340/2000
ATR 42/72
De Havilland Dash 7/8

I’m aware of a few Frankenstein freeware models around though so far have resisted dipping my toe in because every time I read a review it puts me off.

Ideally I want the Majestic Q400 here though appreciate there’s currently no visibility there.


I believe Milviz (love these guys!) are working on an ATR.


A lot of 3rd party developers are taking the logical decision of bringing their FSX work into MFS. It makes sense overall.

However, I recall the likes of Virtualcol (shudders) making a saab2000 in FSX, and given their track record in MFS so far, any such production will be a rushed-out disaster.

So inevitably we’re going to have to put up with a few “misfires” for this large-turboprop category, before someone gets it right.

Majestic Dash 8 400/300 on the way…well worth waiting for!

there is a freeware atr 72/600 on The panel is that crj4. But I tried it and fly very well. Waiting for those payware

ATR 42/72 is planned as an Asobo offering, co-developed by Hans Hartmann, lead developer on the Aerosoft CRJ. Might be payware. Due next year.