Saint Helena (FHSH) missing

Don’t know if my post will get flagged as “bad press” but there was a very funny tech article gathering various Tweets of striking FS 2020 scenery anomalies. Overall, the general agreement is that FS 2020 is Totally Awesome but it can occasionally render very unique monumental structures in very entertaining ways, e.g., Buckingham Palace as a generic office building block.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Has Launched With Some Monumental Anomalies


Following the links in the article to the actual Tweets and reading some of the ripostes made by people responding to the landmark renderings is very entertaining. Presumably such reports also help MS with FS 2020 in pointing out geographic locales and unique structures that could be fixed up a bit in a simulation that’s already stupendous in general.

(sorry if this is off-topic to missing small airports - but it is related to things not quite where or as they should be - maybe some small airports will be MIA just because the rendering engine turned them into something else!).