Saitek (logitech) FIP xml gauges - Conditions


I have had some success in creating my own FIP gauges , however I am stuck on conditions with the Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) and escaping the < > characters. From what I have read, the Saitek FIP program (LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe) has some bugs when parsing the XML, so I am not sure if conditions with <> are not supported, or my syntax is incorrect. In the below example, I am not getting any output. Any help is appreciated!

			<Value Minimum="0" Maximum="1">(A:ANNUNCIATOR SWITCH, bool) if{ 1 } els{ (A:ELECTRICAL MAIN BUS VOLTAGE:1, Volts) 25.5 &lt; } (A:CIRCUIT GENERAL PANEL ON, bool) *</Value>
				<Item Value="0" X="0" Y="500"/>
				<Item Value="1" X="0" Y="0"/>

Note: I am aware of and fipgauges, however I am trying to create my own!