Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel LCD problem

I have installed the new driver from saitek/ logitech for my instruments, all of which work except the pro flight instrument panel LCD screen. I can see the screen has power but no display. I have tried unplugging/ plugging it in again different powered USB hubs etc. It works whenever i run Spad, the screen functions and i can change dials, but when i run without Spad, nothing. Any help would be appreciated as the other 3 instruments work perfectly. Thanks

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search this video at Youtube:
“Saitek Multi Panel Blank Screen Fix for Windows 10 and 8.1”
It worked to me but, I’m just use logitech drivers, no Spad, and everything works great.

Thank you for the reply , my instrument panel is working fine, its the smaller pro flight instrument panel. ( in photo below) The screen. that has power but no display.

Have you done the USB enhanced power saver registry disabler? This causes Saitek/Logitech stuff not to wake up or work correctly with Win 10.
This script will find all Saitek/Logitech equipment and change the registry setting automatically.
Will need to be run again if you ever move them to a different USB port.

I haven’t done it as yet and the reason being it comes to life when i run Spad, i was under the impression that the new saitek driver for all panels would take care of the problem with power management as the other panels all works fine now with windows 10. Just this one I am having trouble with. Any advice would help


As far as I know the Saitek drivers do not address win 10 USB enhance power saving issues. It only interfaces the devices to the sim.

Thanks will look at the USB power saver diable.

Take a look at this thread for reference as well.

Thanks I tried both, but none worked, only works when Spad is on, but I dont want to use this. Rest of panels work fine with latest driver . Strange.

Hi FreezingSiren81

I’ve just received my panel today and have exactly the same problem.
Have you had any luck fixing it yet?

Yes download the driver from here and follow the instructions, all works well.

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Same Issue! Bump!

see above for driver

Thanks Freezing.
I’ll have a go tonight after work.

That is the old driver and does not fix the issue. I tried.

worked for me, try you power management etc as outlined above.

google driver or message me with email and i will send it to you

I tried it again. Uninstalled new drivers and installed older drivers and it did not work. Did all the power management stuff awhile back and nothing has changed there. Thanks for your help!

Ummm, I re-started my computer due to windows update and after re installing new drivers and my Panels popped on and they are working now. I do not know what I did but all is well now.

I had to run the exe a couple of times and reboot but eventually it worked. Thanks Freezing, it’s a cool piece of kit.