Saitek x56 binding problem


Hopefully this is the correct forum for this topic.
I have been using Saitek x56 since MSFS 2020 commenced and buttons (bindings) being used (my selections) with no problem until an update to the simulator yesterday.

That update created havoc with my sim especially with with the bindings associated
with Saitek x56. After many (and I mean many)hours spent, including Google, Avsim and FlightSimulator research I have managed to get all buttons, axis working correctly
except the allocation of Button 4 on the flight stick.

Button 4 has always been titled "Cockpit and Outside Views (L,R,U,D) and gave me the ability to easily move around the cockpit and outside instead of using mouse click.

I have tried everything regarding camera’s but, having somehow getting it to function
yesterday on restart of MSFS today no such luck.

Have I missed the obvious?

Any advice/assistance would be greatly appreciated.

FusingBird 2191

i think you have to sign all four positions as separated buttons, there no way to use this hat for something by another way. why you don’t use ministick?

Thanks for your response.
As i stated Button 4 has been used since beta testing of MSFS with success and no problems.


but same function you can get with binding 4 positions at same 4 hat or button whatever… i use x65f there(same place b4 of x56) just another hat with four buttons, if you can mapping that way you will have same function if msfs devs remove this button as view changer they should add full functionality for separate assigning view vectors


Apologies for delayed response and thanks for your help. Unable to fix the problem and have resorted to using Mouse click of wheel which kind of accomplishes the same thing but would still as wished to get Button 4 (C) working as before.


have no idea. as i said i use ministick on throttle for watch around, and hat what calling b4 in x56, in x65f can be used as 4 different vectors, same as another 5 hats lol, just assign 4 vectors for views as you want, that’s will same i guess

Thanks for getting back to me. Button 4 on Flight stick is a mini stick as well as the ministick on Throttle.
My question is what have you named the binding for that mini stick?


lol, we have some different ministicks gghaahahahaah… ministick on throttle of x65f and i guess on x56 is mouse emulator, top left rotary on the throttle is same wheel as mouse has with same functions. same as ministick same has same function as mouse… but at place x56 b4 i have hat with 4 positions binds, i don’t remember all of them i mapped there, one is reset view another lock/track view to airport behind. and two another i don’t remember. if i even does:) probably i don’t know right, but afaik x52 series has same ministick mouse emulator as x65f… it’s not binding it’s just another mouse manipulator in the system. but any hat with 4 or 8 positions, can be used as hat by default in some prebuild game profiles, or you can assign every single position of any single hat, that has 4 or 8 positions. i don’t sure, just guess x56 button 4 is 4 position hat, and when you assign in views for example you can bind all that positions as separated buttons. i think so. strange stuff is nobody answer you yet, because afaik x56 it’s not so rare as mine x65f fossil

ok now i see, looks like x56 have same ministick, but one of right throttle and another on the joystick. and same as with another saitek stuff, you can reprogram that to be as mice or as two axis, just don’t sure if it can use it’s own axes without disable throttle/rotaries/joystick… any way, i think there no big problem to get back what you get before, with one different, before it’s works from start, and now need to rebind something… or you problem i had, windows don’t allow to install all parts of drivers. or you don’t install software, that make it possible, use ministick(s)
p.s. if it works like mouse and it doesn’t works in windows and only works in device control panel, so your driver wasn’t install complete, if x56 have same behavior x65f has… i solved by disable memory integrity in core isolations. and then reinstall drivers.

I have an x56. I’m already in bed and just checking the forums before going to sleep.

I will check my settings and see how button 4 is setup. I almost sure, that it came setup as a default and I liked how it works and never changed it.

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You need to use Reset CockPit View Joystick Button 4 which pressing resets the Internal or external View.

Then JOYSTICK R-AXIS X & JOYSTICK R-AXIS Y for internal and external views. Don’t forget to click the REVERSE AXIS for PITCH AXIS.

I hope this gets you back to normal. Those are my setups and they work great for internal and external views.

Let me know if that fixies you problem.