Saitek Yoke Potentiometers

My Yoke is getting old - as am I - and the noise from the pots particularly in the X - Axis is such that it is unusable.

I have removed the offending pot, which claims to be a 50K 90 Degree component, but the available rotation is 300 degrees. Has anyone any idea what this really means, and whether I can replace it with a 300 degree pot? The combination of 50k Linear 90 degree with D shaft seems impossible to source.


Edit: Post deleted.

I have just done a quick search online for a 50k 90 degree pot with D shaft and came
up with the following:

5 Pcs 50K Ohm 90 Degree 6 Terminals Dual Linear Rotary Potentiometer

from Amazon

3pcs CF R161ON-B50K-20F-C 90 degree B50K single potentiometer / handle length 20MMF,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

How appropriate these suggestions are as replacements is debatable.
You sound like you know what you are doing so I assume you have ascertained the type
[log or linear] of the original.

I too possess an ancient saitek yoke. I have had it apart a couple of times over the years. But only to
clean and re-grease it and replace the dead LED’s in the clock. To my surprise the pots were [and remain] fine.

Perhaps some more research might yield some better candidate substitutes.
Have you tried speaking with Logitech [the now owners] to see if they will supply your needs?

If all the above falls short, what about trying to revive the original offending part with the judicious use of some proprietory switch cleaner. Or an overnight bath in isopropyl alcohol?
Maybe you can find a used yolk going for spares at a good price on ebay that you can cannibalise.

Sorry I cannot help you directly.
Let the forum know if you have any success.

Many thanks for your response. I’ve tried switch cleaner with the pot out of the yoke and in pieces, so I could see the track. I’ve never come across the term 90 degree before, but it is clearly marked on the pot. However, it has 300 degrees of movement, so I am clueless as to what this really means. All my Saitek Equipment is over 10 years old. The rudder pedal brake lever snapped a few weeks ago, but I’ve managed to fix that. I looked at AliExpress, but the disparity between photos and description made me doubt them as a company. I was hoping someone had done this repair and knew a reliable source of the components.

Thanks Again.