Hi there,
after months of regional flights in CRJ looking for something different (same with A320). Seems that both Boeings got some work done by Salty and Heavy Divison. I know there is still much to do but which one would you call more complete for today (less frustrating)?
As always, much appreciate all the work that has been made by modders. Thank you very much 
so… the salty 74 has been worked on for quite some time now and has had some significant improvements:
meanwhile, the HD 787 has been worked on for a few months and seems to have made more progress than the salty IMO considering there’s only one dev working on this project as of now. The progress made is:
Simbrief Integration
Kind of custom FMC/FMS
Working VNAV
Top of Descent Marker
Constraints added
PROG page
Custom RR Trent 1000’s being worked on
New ND/PFD features
New textures…
and more that I might have forgotten.
The choice is yours. I fly the 787 more often than the 747, so the HD 78 is my personal preference, especially considering the progress made that now makes it flyable. The Salty is also in very much of a flyable state, but the 78 seems more promising to me.
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I have tested both recently, the 747 from Salty is my favorite at the moment, the plane is flyable, the autopilot works fine but on landing the plans need some extra help to land as it flares too much. The 787 from division was for me not a nice experience (nothing to do with their wonderful effort but probably just because of the default plane) as I had some big problem to make the plane turn (full rudder barley moved the plane) and there seems to be an issue with the FPS which made my experience not so good
Tested 787 - interesting progress there. Thank you for your opinion:)
Do you have idea if the RNAV approach works or due to the custom mod it is impossible? Thank you.
I’m really not sure unfortunately. I scoured the discord server for “RNAV”, but it seems to me that it’s not supported. Maybe try a quick approach into an airport that supports RNAV app’s to see whether it works.
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