It might be worth confirming your POI is correctly installed?
This screen shows how you can filter for the World Update 16 and then break it down into it’s individual components (press the Hamburger icon once WU16 is selected).
The console messages folks are showing are interesting - I don’t seem to have any conflicts like they do and I have nearly all the components of each World Update present - about the only things I discard are the Bush Trips (after I lift the PLN files for my own use), the Discovery Flights and the Landing Challenges. Helps keep the sim trim.
just a suggestion … can’t promise you anything
common workaround I do when having issue, → clearing “Cache” folder + “DCE” & “sceneryindexes” located at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes
Have deleted, restarted the sim and re-downloading POI as we speak. Also, Have deleted the the Bush Trips, Discovery Flights and Landing Challenges like CasualClick said. Never use them so more SSD space to spare
This is something to discuss with devs as it may hide a relevant issue behind. In theory the GUIDs should be unique, meaning that every custom 3D object included in a library should be exactly the same for everyone, both at the developers machines (when object is created) and afterwards at the clients machines (when players use the pack). Dev console shows that several objects are given the same ID. If you and us are not having the same errors, while both of us are using the same official pack, this potentially points to an error or to IDs being randomly assigned at client´s side only when the official library is parsed at our machines during content loading. If this assignment is really random the problem could be reproduced elsewhere with other objects in the future, even with the ones created by third parties. If this is really the case a simple solution is to include an ID database at clients machines, so random IDs are checked before adding new ones as libraries are being parsed during the content loading to prevent duplicity. If a random ID is given and it´s already existing at database then it´s skipped and a new random ID is generated.
At some games this is also solved by assigning random IDs that contain a tag for the user account. That way every creator generating content can be sure that at least a part of the ID will be unique. So for instance if you have a tag named AAA and I have a tag named BBB, even if both of us create a 3D object with the same ID (for instance 1111), your object will be named at game as “AAA_1111” and mine as “BBB_1111”. No duplicity will be possible but that requires to maintain an online database for all users, which will be the one being checked at the step of creating the objects with SDK. I think this would be more complex but is definitely the way to be sure that everything is unique and exactly the same for everybody (devs and players).
I don’t think it’s going to be related to those duplicate GUIDs. Those are just models that are included in multiple packages. It’s not ideal, but it duplicated GUIDs doesn’t prevent the sim from loading the object. Those objects with duplicated GUIDs are in almost all the expansion packs.
Here are the first 3 objects listed in post 19.
{1B754D50-88D1-4C38-9A65-3AC60E1FB403} = B_white
{E80907AB-53E6-4B90-96FC-2C5F522633CE} = B_gold
{07044db4-778a-4659-8ce4-f550eb6d2189} = Gaya_Wavebreak_Type_2
For the record, The guid for San Felipe del Morro Castle is {5C31C3FD-EC3E-4D8B-B965-B43FD9CE29F0} and isn’t listed in those errors.
edit: To respond to the post above: GUIDs are generated when the model is first created by the dev, not locally for each user. Every user has the same library, with the same model GUIDs.
Thanks for the clarification and sorry for the late reply. As you can see the Saba Rock object (GUID: AB6681CD-49FA-4438-BF35-C9DDD535C54C) is available at editor and it loads correctly there, so there´s no error with the 3D model itself because I can manually place it elsewhere:
However the world scenery does not display it in game. I don´t use any custom package reordering and I have forced a full scenery indexing rebuild but the error still persists in both game and developer console. I indeed deleted all custom local files (not only scenery indexes) to leave simulator at a fresh clean install stage.
On the other hand I have the same GUID for Felipe del Morro Castle as the one you posted, so it´s clear that the GUIDS are common for everyone as it should be.