Can anyone confirm that they have an ATIS frequency available at KSFO? I do not. It is supposed to be 118.85, but there is no ATIS frequency listed in the information or ATC window and 118.85 does provide ATIS in the sim. I’m trying to determine if this just on my install or a known issue. I have the World Update installed and it says the airport is up to date.
Works for me, but note I have Navigraph airport data installed so that may not be the default case.
Can you clarify whether 118.85 does provide ATIS for you, or doesn’t? It does for me.
(I tuned it manually because I don’t understand how/when selections of frequencies appear in the ATC window and it has never shown me an ATIS frequency at takeoff time that I can remember at any airport, though I might be misremembering.)
ATIS should be listed along with Tower, Ground and/or Clearance.
SkyVector has the following for KSFO:
D-ATIS: 113.7 (650-877-3585/8422) 115.8 (650-877-3585/8422) 118.85 (650-877-3585/8422)
No. When I manually tune 118.85 I do not get ATIS. I also do not have an ATIS option in the ATC window for the airport. This is the only airport that I see this issue with.
Thank you. I did see that. For me though the ATIS does not show as an option when actually at the airport in the sim nor does manually tuning it provide ATIS information.
That might imply there is something wrong with the airport scenery perhaps, or rather its related data. I also have Navigraph installed, but I can crosscheck when I get home tonight, and temporarily remove Navigraph.
This for me is a longstanding issue, though I don’t think I ever tried this with ATIS. For example, if I am in the air, and I can see an airport ahead which I already know the tower frequency for, I can’t just tune it in, and hit transfer. I have to open the ATC dialogue window, click option 2 for Nearest airports, then hit the transfer button. It will then give me the option to land, or I think tune in ATIS if memory serves. You can’t just flip flow between nearby airports without interacting with the ATC “Nearest airports” dialogue.
I would appreciate it if you could do that test without Navigraph. If it is corrected with Navigraph, I will look into getting my data updated with it. As for the manual tuning, what I do is manually tune the ATIS frequency of the airport I’m going to into COM2. I can then listen by clicking the COM2 monitor button when close enough (<75nm or so). This has worked for me so far. (except for KSFO of course). I typically fly the 172 or TBM 930 btw.
172 it is!
If I remove the Navigraph data, there’s no live ATIS frequency at 118.850 at KSFO.
You’ve saved us some testing. So the default data doesn’t include it for some reason. It would be worth reporting that formally via the Support link at the top of the page.
Try 135.45
Thank you. I will try it.
Thank you for testing that. Hopefully, they get that corrected.
Nothing on 135.45.
Just as an update. I installed the Navigraph navdata and that did resolve the issue. It should just be noted that the intrinsic KSFO airport is missing the ATIS and should really be fixed at some point. Thanks to all for the help and suggestions.