Save / Load a Flight (including Flight Plan) - MSFS Flight Planner functionality

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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There used to be a workaround involving saving a flight plan as a .plan flight, then before doing anything else (like Fly Now) save from the same screen a .flt file. Then again without doing anything else, exit the game, navigate to find the folder where these files were saved, opening .flt file you just saved into a text editor like Windows NotePad, looking through it to locate the line:

Then change the value at the end of that line to True
then save that file back where you opened it from.
At this point you restart the game load that doctored .flt file and Fly Now and you’d have your original flight plan restored

It’s almost comical, but please Microsoft stop trying to fix things! Let us roll back to SU9 or something and leave us our work arounds

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

My .flt file saved from the World Map has the Flight Plan that was saved and can be loaded from anywhere and anytime.

When one opens the saved .flt, even with the file edited in the actual file to read SaveOriginalFilePlan=True, the flight plan is still there in the World Map, but it just doesn’t load into the FMC for the A320. So, is it just the aircraft alone that is having the issues and somehow not fully connecting with the saved flight plan? MSFSRonS says that the saved flight plans automatically load for certain aircraft. However, just not the A320 and I am assuming the A310 as well.

So, it is something wrong with the A320 that the developer is having issues with? If so, then how can it be fixed with a workaround.

I don’t about the rest of the players, but I wish there where more aircraft such as the 737, 757, and maybe the CRJ built into the simulator as with FS9 and FSX, but that is just me.

A little summary in between:

  • Default aircraft in this sim as far as I know have always used the (world menu) flight planning feature; were a .pln is generated from the in-game flight planner.

  • It use to be possible to load/change (or re-load the same) (a) flight plan even after fly now without exiting and starting a new flight.

  • When loading a .flt (including a flight plan .pln) or only a .pln (flight plan) the route is not populated in the aircraft’s FMS.

  • There is a interface bug? that’s still around since the start that prevents choosing a pln. According to this post; this option was removed by the developers due to sim issues. It is unclear what sim issues and if this goes beyond “just an interface issue”?

  • There might be exceptions with 3rd party developers producing default planes and having a different file format for their FMS.

  • Previous version had a Flight Planner UI that could be accessed after Fly Now, this sim never had that UI but I think the ability to load flight plan is necessary after fly now too.

  • Some 3rd party aircraft use the flight plan from the sim and load it into the FMS and many others use their own system with loading from a file (externally) and this can also be reloaded or changed when desired. These aircraft should not be affected by the issue, described in this thread.

  • And another feature many aircraft now have is SimBrief flight plan integration but not exclusively.

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Win 11 on PC
How to interrupt a long flight, save it and restart it later even having turned the PC off.
Happy N-Y 2023-01-04T23:00:00Z

I’m going to quote your post into the first post for the developers.

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I did not understand this statement because it could be confusing to some.

I load a .flt file all the time that has a Flight Plan saved in it.
The Flight Plan saved before leaving the World Map.

Nothing has been removed that I know of.

Also, at any time during flight, you can enter into the Load file name, .pln or * .,
and load any file you wish.

Still don’t have a good method for saving flights

The thread describes the issue after fly now; the issue of not being able to load .pln from the UI - and yes, you can load a .pln with a trick but that is not clear to a user and not an official published work around - you have to know to type *.*, and after loading a .pln file there are issues with the flight plan being available (it seems related to this thread), like for ATC - to request a new clearence.

Why is this important?

  • You load into the flight and realize you’ve loaded the wrong flight plan, had everything else ready to go but don’t want to restart your entire session; aircraft position, cockpit prep, etc. - maybe you have been going through checklists for an longer time. You want to change the route, or made modifications in the FMS - it got a little out of order and you would like to revert back to the original flight plan… etc.
  • You’ve completed a flight and want to directly load another flight plan.
  • The use of flight planning tools to export flight plans as .pln to load into the sim’s native flight planner and see the route on the navigation map or GARMIN.

  • To use with ATC - request a new flight route at any stage during flight

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As discussed previously, a saved flight that has a .pln attached does reload into the FMC of the A320 when one wants to resume a saved flight from say, a medium or long haul flight. Now, does anybody experience the same issue with the Boeing PMDG 737 that has been developed for MSFS2020? Just curious.

When you write A320, do you mean the FBW A320 or default A320?

You said in your last post the A320 does reload the flight plan after a medium or long haul flight, how are you restarting the flight? Restarting from the gate; after having finished a A-B flight; as in continuing a already loaded flight or having excited the sim and continuing from saved flight, from the world menu?

In your earlier post you wrote it does not reload into the FMC and now you wrote it does reload into the A320. Please share how you are resuming your flight.

My apologies; I meant the default A320.

When go to the World Map, I will hit the load/save option and reopen the .flt file. That is how I resume my flight when it takes me right where the plane left off (in the air, certain altitude, at a particular point during the flight plan). When I start to fly the aircraft, I glance over to the FMC, and the plan in no longer there.

Interestingly enough, ATC still told my next waypoint when I asked, which was inline with my saved flight plan. However, it was not in the computer. I just don’t understand it. This experience recently happened to me on a long haul flight from Honolulu to Guam (about a 7 hour trip).

Mind you though, I have saved and will save any route as a .pln first and save it again as a .flt, with the exact same nomenclature (caps and spaces all the same); but the FMC still will not reload the saved flight plan. Yes, I can manually enter it in, but I shouldn’t have to do that. I was used to that very same feature in FS9 and FSX.

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How do you open up that link? It will not work for me.

Thanks for sharing this; I am going to add this to my summary above, were I outlined the different scenarios of creating and loading a flight plan including open issues.

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Hello, thanks for sharing your test results.

I have previously seen and added to your thread too :point_up_2:, it’s related to the reported issues mentioned in this thread here as well.

You’re right, but saving and loading from the World Map is not the issue folks have been and still are complaining about. The issue comes AFTER that, after pressing Fly Now and doing a take-off and a bit of flying. It’s going to be a 9 1/2 hour flight and you want to break into two or more legs. Perhaps you have to go work and can’t complete the whole thing in one sitting. So, quite reasonably, you would like to save another .flt file adding “1st leg” or something to the name of the already saved .flt file. Then having come back home from work, you now want to resume that flight from the point and conditions you reached and immortalized in the “1st leg. flt” file. When you load that file back into World Map everything works (well, not everything, but let’s pretend) EXCEPT the flight knows nothing of the previous flight PLAN, there’s nothing in the FMC, autopilot doesn’t have the next or any way-points, ATC doesn’t appear to know of flight plan, etc. This is what folks have complained about for the last 2+ years. There was a work around that used to work pretty much OK and gave you the possibility of breaking a long flight into successive legs that you could resume with the same flight plan throughout. Unfortunately, the last update appears to have broken that old work-around.

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Yes, it is interesting. I had also noticed that strange behavior of the ATC after resuming a saved flight wipes the plan from the aircraft. Although ATC pretends not know about the plan, it retains some “secret” knowledge of the plan - which you can coax from it by asking for the next waypoint, and then the next, and the next! I never had the patience to see if ATC knew the entire sequence of waypoints but I bet it does. Maybe the plan actually is loaded ok but just doesn’t get read by all the different parts of the program that should be reading it.

I have created this wishlist thread; please vote if you are also using these features and would like to see the functionality restored.


This thread has been going on for two and a half years and so many versions of MSFS… My own first post here was August 9, 2021, when I was younger. Folks have been offering workarounds advising to do this and to do the other thing, click your heels three times and spin around… yet it is so simple: I start a long flight. One or two hours into it I want to save it. When I return I want to continue from the exact point and all settings of the point where I saved it --and that means ALL settings. Period. The End. That’s it. And Asobo has not cared to even come in and say “Hi” to this thread.

All we want is to click save, come back and continue, flight plan and all, exactly where we left off. What’s your problem Asobo?