Save / Load a Flight (including Flight Plan) - MSFS Flight Planner functionality

Are you saying there should be a .pln that should be loaded with the appropriate .flt? My “load flight plans” looks for both .pln and .flt. The only file with yesterdays saved file date is a .flt. Opening the .flt omits all the stuff I mentioned in my comment above.

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This has has been confusing since FS2020 has been out.

Flying the WTCJ4, I use Navigraph to create the Flight Plan and
save to FS2020 as a .pln file.

This saved plan has only the info you can enter via the FS2020 World Map just like if you create the Flight Plan there.

The only thing that is not loaded or saved correctly is the Flight Condition and Time of Flight.

Note the top 2 files were saved via one FS2020 “Save”.
The bottom file was saved via Navigraph Charts.

The saved .pln file does not contain any info from the cockpit dials and guages.

I don’t use the saved .flt file and know nothing about it.

10-4. I was incorrectly thinking the aircraft state as included in the flight plan. My MSFS-generated flight plan somewhat gets saved (with some anomalies). I have not gotten into any adjunct systems to plan or monitor my flights yet. Maybe some day.

I’m beginning to think that the flight plan is saved inside the .flt file. Open it up with wordpad and have a look. Seems like there are 2 .flt files for me. One has no extension and the other is in the fsx format. Anyway, the last couple of flights I saved did save the flight plan. I’m just curious now about why the sim seems to ignore the simbrief flightplan runway choice even though it’s there if you look in the simbrief flight plan. Anyway, I am sure that’s for another thread and I’m going off topic.

exactly. I made also an attempt to use an .flt file but it’s hard to have it working. My opinion is that developers have to work to a proper solution.

PS I loved your idea of the dog needs a ride !

It’s possible… Just Flight’s Arrow III has a “State Saving” option. Works great!

Totally agree. I don’t know how hard it is to achieve this from a dev perspective. My assumption is “not very hard” in which case it is a massive glaring error by Asobo.

I think they have been focused on bug fixes instead of Wishlist.

maybe if you take autopilot off just prior to save. If i use active pause with autopilot on, when i take pause off, the aircraft is out of control. But, if i take autopilot off before active pause, it works fine.

That makes the most sense. Fix before add.

This problem is still not fixed!!! I find it unbelievable that this program was ever released in the state that it is 6 months after release, and I’m not just talking about the save/load problem. I spent so much time setting the FMC up and then to load it from a saved state to find there is nothing there!!!
I’m seriously thinking I’ll go back to FSX/P3D. where this particular feature works!


I fly the Working Title Cessna CJ4.
Flight Plan save/load works on it.

I’m not sure about other WT Garmin panels.

Thanks for this, @ArleiCapati. I have spent days trying to sort out the CTD when loading saved flights. I’ve come from X Plane 11 and never had such issues there.

When using the flight plan generated by MSFS (eg VFR or VOR-VOR) and saving a flight right at the start, no “USR” lines end up in the .flt file, however I always set departure SIDs and arrival STARs in the MCDU and (I am guessing) the problem comes from here.

For the A320 the problem arises both with MSFS’s native plane and with the FlyByWire version so this seems to be an aircraft related issue, which MS needs to sort out.

Another work-around to solve the problem is to add the waypoint type after “USR” which is missing only for rows with “USR”. According to the documentation from the link that you gave the appropriate type would be “U”

I have exactly the same thoughts. I already start flying fsx again.

Edit. text deleted by author.


Seems like your solution works.
I’ve tested it on both A320 as FBW A320.
On A320 the flightplan is loaded, on FBW A320 it’s not but initiate both on the AOC menu and the in the Init menu will load it.


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Glad it works.

You’re welcome.

I have the same problem. All my autopilot settings are all wrong compared to what I saved them as. It’s really frustrating.

Have we found a way to rectify this yet?

Having the same issue on Xbox.

First time it put me about 10 feet from the ground, so too low to do much about it.

Second time the plane was flying in the opposite direction to where I was originally heading, i can only assume that it was either heading back to the very first waypoint or heading to the start of the leg I was currently on.

Either way it’s pretty rubbish that this hasn’t been sorted almost a year after the original release.

Much as I’d like to have the spare time to fly long flights without a break, I haven’t, so without being able to save mid-flight anything over 30 minutes or so is pointless at the moment.

As of Update 5, today August 9, a saved flight still does not retain the flight plan. To say nothing of inaccessible weather and starting with standard auto pilot settings instead of the saved ones. It is unbelievable that Asobo, or Microsoft, or whoever is taking our money has totally ignored this fundamental problem for a whole year.

It’s not only the lost flight plan. Even in the original flight with the flight plan, try to teleport to Descent or Approach. The settings become crazy. It is as if Asobo is laughing at us.

It’s not about “workarounds”. The problem should not exist. Period.
It is insulting to the intelligence of those who pay good money for a product.
They should change “SAVE” to “SAVE SOME OF IT”.

Anyhoooo… Since I cannot save my Newark to Heathrow flight plan and return to it where I saved it for the Descent from FL 340 and approach, I just set a flight plan from Birmingham, take off to the north west, climb to FL 340, turn around, catch the flight plan and pretend I’m coming from Newark.

The imperfections and Asobo’s indifference (or incompetence?) are monumental. A very big price to pay for nice graphics if you thought you were paying for a Simulator and not a “game”.

Big picture: 90% of their customers have no clue what we are talking about in this thread. Glideslope? what’s that?