Understood and agree to a certain extent. I have and do make my concerns with what SI is doing known just like I have done with BATC. I will only say in regards to this point that with there is a noticeable difference in how each respond to criticism or even just basic questions or concerns. I’ll just leave it at that, everyone can come to their own conclusions.
But my primary issue is not about the core ATC procedures BATC uses, that is actually quite logical and good.
At it’s core BATC uses a ‘script’ method for ATC coms. It does not generate the ATC communications as some may think, only the voices you hear in the sim. There is nothing inherently wrong (or right) with this approach. It has some advantages, easier to implement, control, cheaper to implement, etc. However…
Given the coms are literally ‘pre-recorded’ scripts there is no way to avoid it sounding incredibly repetitive and robotic during a busy long flight or just in general over time. Unfortunately the more traffic you add to your sim, the faster and greater (more annoying to me) the repetition becomes.
I will add this point also, as BATC consumes Premium Voices (you know the good ones they market) by the character, BATC generates far, far, far, far, far…too many words (characters) in their ATC coms, as well as my ‘specifically formatted’ response. The coms are very long winded and disconnected. BATC seems to use 100 words to say what in ‘RL’ a controller would say in 10 or even less. If you are using Premium Voices those extra 90 characters are ‘costing’ you if you intend to keep using Premium Voice (i.e. buy more characters). To be fair, BATC gives you the option to disable them and use Basic Voice, and they are not too bad at all but are very limited, i.e. back to the repetitive thing.
SI takes a different approach to the coms gen and speech. Like BATC, the approach it is not ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, it’s just different. They use AI to actually generate the text and speech. The downside of this for SI is that it is very expensive to use at this point. The upside is that as it is NOT a ‘script’ at all. All of the actual response (not just voices) are generated on the fly and can slightly or even significantly be very different from each other for the same question or instruction. The net result is that the ATC interaction with me (and fellow AI) can and does sound MUCH more like different ‘humans’ talking to each other, not humans ‘parroting’ each other.
I also hope that BATC improves over time, but in the end both will still come out in the sim as very different. I just think that at the moment SI has more potential ability to avoid the ‘canned’ feel the sim and BATC bring to me.
Everyone can and will hopefully have different takes on this subject. But like SI and BATC, neither is right or wrong in any way. They are just opinions.