Scenery Artifacts after

Anybody else notice This was Aspen but I’ve noticed them all over the US.


Yes, „they“ are everywhere - all over the world :wink:

Someone posted a fix on but it looks like it was taken down. Glad I grabbed it while I could. essentially the author used files from a previous version of the sim to get rid of the spikes. I have not tried it yet. Best chance is sadly to wait for Asobo to address it.

It’s the latest fashion: the world finally get’s corona spikes :grin:

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They were introduced with the USA update and still happens here and there but it seems to me they become lesser lately.

I’ve found they occur in areas with some terrain and rivers or ponds. Every area that I’ve flown in that wasn’t totally flat and had a river or other small body of water had the spikes. Most times they weren’t too big and you’d really have to look close to see them, but they are there.

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