Scrapyard Monster Release Tour
Date / Time: June 1st, 2023 - 20:00 UTC
Departure ICAO: LFPM
Arrival ICAO: LFPZ
Aircraft: The Scrapyard Monster, or any other fast bush plane
Route: LFPM → “Vaux le Vicomte” → LFAI → LFPQ → LFPL → LFPZ
Flight description
First of the five celebration / introduction / training sessions (call them like you prefer) for the Scrapyard Monster. A ridiculously powerful and capable bush plane freeware available to PC users, on
After a few drifts and donuts on the large parking area, we will take off from Lord Frites’ home airport, just North of Melun. After a short stop at the famous castle of Vaux-le-Vicomte, just nearby, we will experiment a few little airfields from the SE of Paris, before heading towards the capital city.
We will fly over one of the most famous avenues in the world: The Champs Elysees. Do some aerobatics craziness over the business district of “La Defense” and fly by the “Chateau de Versailles” before landing at a nice airfield located just behind it.
It’s a short ride: 70 NM we will take our time, so everyone can follow and try their best landings and take off.
There is nothing really difficult in the terrain or altitudes we will be flying at. It’s a perfect occasion to get a first grip on this plane and start to master your STOL procedures.
Take off at 20:00, UTC, on June 1st. Of course, join our Discord (link below) to be able to chat, hear advices and have a good time with all the participants.
Important Event Links
- The Scrapyard Monster: (link will be added ASAP - aircraft releases on June 1st, 00:00 UTC - or maybe later, but that will be up to the website!).
- PAYWARE - France VFR Paris Airports (if you fly there frequently): France VFR Paris VFR Airports - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Orbx
Make sure you have the Desktop App Running Before Clicking the LINK!
Flight Plan
Paris.pln (6.4 KB)