I’ve had this screen tearing issue since GOTY. Doesn’t always happen but requires the sim the be restarted when it does. Hard to see in pics but moves down screen in steps. It’s most noticeable when moving the camera. Im on the current build as of 16/02/2022 (not su8 beta). I use nvidia geforce rtx driver 496.76. Drivers 511.23, 511.65 and 511.79 cause CTDs with no error when moving the camera.
This is normally always a driver issue.
There is little Asobo can do to correct that.
Try doing an uninstall of your old drivers first, and then a fresh install of the latest.
If this doesn’t help, you should attempt to find out why the drivers crash your system.
NVidia forums, or a site like Guru3D forums may be of some help.
I will give it try. I always perform a clean install when I update nvidia drivers so shouldn’t have any conflicts but maybe. The issue started with the GOTY update so maybe nvidia also updated that same day so maybe just a coincidence it happened with GOTY update. I do need to see if it happens more or less using DirectX12. I use 11 as 12 does not like PMDG DC-6. Hopefully that is fixed when 12 is added fully.
Have you tried to use the Nvidia Control panel and set the MSFS Application VSync to FAST?
I usually keep the MSFS Graphics Options to have VSync OFF. Then use the Nvidia Control Panel to set VSync to FAST. I use this setting for all of my games.
This way, the sim operates as if VSync is off, minimising any input lag, but whenever the frames sent are offset from the display refresh rate, it will ignore the frame which will eliminate tearing. Give it a try.
@bdomi2’s screenshots appear to show vertical tearing in the frame buffer. V-sync typically only affects horizontal screen tearing during scan out. Worth a shot though, I guess. I’ve never encountered this vertical tearing myself.
Update on CTDs. I used the display driver uninstaller and reinstalled the latest driver 511.79. Using Direct X11 i got about 10 mins of flight before CTD using live weather. DirectX12 20mins of flight no CTD but stutters using live weather. I decided to give REX live weather another try since I owned it. I haven’t used it in months. DirectX11 with 30mins of flight with REX live weather no CTDs. But didn’t look as nice as Asobo live weather. Switched to Asobo live weather during same flight and had no CTD. So maybe live weather causing CTDs. I do occasionally see a stutter when the weather updates