Screenshot after Japan Update

Are the buildings over there are and water reflection identisch? First screenshot is from the game opening screen and the second one from my flight around fuji bei clear sky and all sliders at top.

Downgrade totaly, injust rly. i deleted the simulator.

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First screenshot is from the game opening screen is an edited pic. But you can also see that ^^

My First Pics from Japan:

So really, if X Plane looked that bad too, I’d delete that too :grin:

ps: Nameplates is a mod , msfs original war to much

ufffff that downgrade… i deleted msfs2020 . This honestly completely kills it for me.

:joy: :joy: :joy: looks really bad

all images looks really bad, that downgrade.

screenshot i just took in nyc. 4k all high settings, filtering to 16x, texture sampling to 8x8 render quality 80. All online features are turned to on, cache has been cleared and turned off, vpn is off. Checked to make sure nvidia wasn’t “optimizing” my settings. What is going ON with this game


Epic , epic Downgrade. This honestly completely kills it for me.

This is how they achieve better FPS. :joy:

my fps is the same or worse. Now i’m utilizing more cpu and less gpu than before the patch. before the patch it was almost always 90% or above. Now when im flying into a city the gpu utilization can go down to 40-60 range, cpu usage going up to 70 range. Something screwy happened.