[scrufytam] New Zealand Group Bush Flight Tour, Day 4 | NZGS - NZRO - NZWR

As I make my comeback after losing EVERYTHING due to a HDD failure, I figured we’d do a repeat of the last Sunday stream I did before the failure.

Welcome to my new tour: New Zealand!

For leg #4 we begin at NZGS, ma a quick stop at NZRO, and make our way to NZWR on the North Island. This is an FSHub achievement “New Zealand North Island Bespoke Airport Tour”.

Come join in the fun! I’ll be flying the Parallel 42 Kitfox, but you fly what you want; No Rules, Just Flight!

Server: SE Asia

Total Distance: 254nm

Cruise speed: 90-95kt

Fly the virtual skies with ParaSox Air, the virtual airline, where there are No Rules, Just Flight:

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