SDK Docs"How to create an aircraft" broken link (404 error)

The link below from the SAMPLES, SCHEMAS, TUTORIALS AND PRIMERS section of the docs throws a 404 error.


Thank you - I’ve passed this up to Community Managers for relay to the Dev Team.

Oddly, I Googled “msfs how to create an aircraft” and clicked on this link:

(How To Create An Aircraft)

and it works. Either my ageing eyes cannot see it but the URL looks identical so not sure what’s happening there :astonished:

Lol, I first thought the same, but actually the working link has an extra “/html/” right after the ".com/

Sadly, this broken link problem is still present and shows the following error page

Apparently, the correct link should be:

How To Create An Aircraft (

Note the /html/ path URL segment after the domain and before mergedProjects path segment.

Thanks - we’ve let Community Management and Dev Team know.