SDK Q&A: Ask your Questions Here!

Please could the SDK include blender tutorials on how to build an aircraft, etc and samples of aircraft,

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Is there any future planning for Aircraft wings clouds interaction? This is something never done before.


I need to write software to show and unshow an overlay to highlight a cockpit control. This will be in response to a physcial input i.e. press a button on a usb box to highlight e.g. an A320 FCU speed knob. It’s already been done in the tutorials & I’ve included a screenshot. In case I can’t use the existing overlays (suggested by a response already), a further question is : - how would I place my own artwork?

I’m looking for information about what I need to do, not necessarily how to do it. I am programming literate but don’t understand the MSFS 2020 development ecosystem so pointers towards tutorials and relevant material are particularly welcome.

How might I create the software that sits in the middle, reading the USB button’s input and displaying the overlay in the cockpit in response? Wading through the SDK and forums, I’m feeling quite lost!


How does the SDK team deal with the stress of everybody always wanting more from you, and have you been surprised by how many different things the community wants to create? Thank you for all the great work you’re doing!


You can only activate overlays in the mission scripting system or via the checklist XML system. It is not possible to programmatically activate overlays arbitrarily via external code.

Thanks I’ve amended the question slightly to include the possibility of creating the overlay myself, which is what I originally intended.


That would also not be possible, as code cannot draw to the 3D space. So you could not arbitrarily place overlay artwork into the 3D scene via code nor add the eye icon billboards. And there’s no present capability for reading directly buttons from connected USB devices, only receiving simulator events (like the aileron axis changed, or the throttle was moved, or autopilot was turned on, etc)

There is one option, which is you could model a whole complete cockpit also complete with every possible overlay (and textured appropriately), and then you could use ModelBehaviors to read simvars that would hide or show the overlay parts of the cockpit model. However, that would have some significant limitations, in that you’d need to bind behaviors to both model parts (the real and the overlay, because the player can interact with either) and you might run into issues with model behaviors templates and duplicate input events. It would also not be possible to do the eye icons at all, and you might get very confused mouse clickspot handling becuase the overlay and the real parts would all occupy the same exact space.

In short, I’m just not sure what you’re trying to accomplish is feasible or possible.

Please take discussions into a DM. :+1:


I want to ask the devs the following question
Is there any relation or problem between photogrammetry like Terrainlod and (standard) handcrafted Objectlod on how they handle together in the sim (egt priority problem) of when and how to load in, or might this be an graphics issue that these two, cannot or will not load equally together due design of graphicsboard so this will bring stutters, or might this be driversoftware related.
For two out of three sounds fixable to me, and the one that cannot sounds like a design flaw of graphicscards up till past and the just released 4090

Any updates on the ability to import a custom terrain mesh into a scenery (also known as mesh patching) with pre-optimized triangulated data (not DEM data, sub meter grid precision in some areas)?

You’ll probably show this anyways, but what are your plans for the mission part of the sdk? What are the changes to the script editor? Will the weather preset system be expanded? Are there more possibilities for custom UI’s / gamemodes?

Edit: To add to this, controlled traffic in missions. It would be really nice to have (just think of all the cool FSX missions; space shuttle landings, intercepting smuggler planes, landing on a bus, etc).
I saw the glider tow has an AI plane, is something like this possible for missions as well?

Edit 2: And the saving system: it would be nice to have the ability for saves, outside of bushtrips.

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First question / bug : In 40 Anniversary edition there is no chance use Helicopters as Ai plane using AICreateNonATCAircraft. There is chance have to be fixed very soon ?

Second question : after one year si try ripropose :sunglasses:
. there is chance have way to use simconnect remotely in an Xbox ?


A better guide for making navdata legs would be fantastic.
A tool for making it would be incredible.
Have you any project for that ?

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Hi! Is it going to be a fix or workaround for add-on lights models?

I use community-made lights ( flashing light over a building) to enhance my sceneries, but contrarily to default sim lights, they don’t look right at distance and they are not properly visible. Some authors reply its related to the current SDK capabilites. I am afraid I don’t know much yet about how to create them myself, though.

A quick comparison. First we can see big block lights. Then, in a zoomed view the lights tend to be in better proportion.

Thank you!


Please just let us be able to add a helipad + ICAO without having to build an airport etc etc first :face_holding_back_tears:

Hi, the Script Editor has been broken for about 6 months. Also the current build of SU11 (including the new Beta) say that missions cant be built.

Any news on this?


Question: Please provide way to add LivingWorld_Config that targets specific ariport ?

I will just bring up one of realy-realy wanted features for devs and end users also. Please provide way to create livingwolrd config PER AIRPORT. Even if you consider to add custom regions , what ever, but please let us customize LW per airport or custom region. Especialy because of Ambient vheicles. We dont want fo see forklift parked at the GATE anymore :slight_smile: and yellow fire trucks all over the region.

As a sub question-note, even positioning ambinet vehicles ant “T” mark at the gates and parking positions is odd [some kind of offset will be great]

At the end LWC per airport would be GREAT feature, and as I see it is asked many many ,many times.

Thank you for this briliant peace of softwer guys!


@Jummivana : How do I create a glider friendly airfield? I didn’t find the necessary info in the SDK docs. E.g. regarding winch and tow plane placement. Any tutorial available to get the blue star “glider friendly”?


Hi all,

I was reading thru the mission scripting guide, and apparently it would be the way for me to create a reliable benchmark test with for example 3 scenes each running for 10 seconds and log the frame rates to a temp file and give an output of low/high/avg fps per scene as well as the overall/combined results.

I want to make this as Asobo apparently after over 2 years still doesn’t have a built-in benchmark test (only real-time, which doesn’t make it a good test due too many variables (location/user-input/etc) apart from logging to calculate avg.) like all other popular games that are being reviewed by magazines, reviewers, media and generally people who like to tweak their settings to what they feel comfortable with.

Is the way by creating 3 scenes and disabling any form of user input using the “mission method” the way to go for me to script this? And furthermore, before I start working on it, does Asobo still not have this planned?

Thank you :pray:t3:
Watching the next stream :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::heart:


Hi all,

Although there is a glider and winch question already, here is a more specific problem:

It seems like there is a maximum distance between the glider and winch when starting on a runway that exceeds ~ 915 meters (exactly 3000 feet). If the runway, or more specific, the distance between the starting points on the runway is less than 915 meters, everything is fine (glider is e.g. on primary runway start, winch is on secondary runway start).
BUT: if the distance exceeds ~915 meters, the winch is still placed correctly on one starting point, but the glider is placed 915 meters away from the winch, in the direction of the heading of the winch starting point.
There are glider airfields where the winch distance is more than 915 meters (e.g. EDKG, ~1170 meters with paved launchpads for winch takeoff).
I am trying to redesign EDKG and place the glider and the winch correctly, but it is not possible because the glider is placed somewhere in between and not on the correct launchpad.
And furthermore, if the heading of the starting point is not exactly precise, the glider might get placed somewhere in the bush when the distance is more than 915 meters :wink:

Question: is there a way to override that maximum value? (or a workaround, or could you change it to something like 1300 meters?)

thank you :slight_smile: