SDK Q&A (Feb. 9th): POST-Discussion

Will you expand the weather preset system to have different weather in different locations? Like with exclusions or weather stations (as in FSX). And maybe allow it to change over time.


Can you change the RequestTeleportAction to keep the state of the plane, instead of reloading from the .FLT?


I am being told that certain functionality pertaining to the fuel system (i.e., electric fuel pumps) is not yet fully supported. Is this true and if so, when will full functionality of the fuel system be completed? In the meantime is it possible to release a list of items (variables, events, cfg entries) that are currently documented in the SDK but do not work? Thank you.


Will the SDK support proper force feedback and if so, when? I understand that FSX supported this feature and in the MSFS environment, those of us with force feedback peripherals, are having to utilize third party software to get this working. These softwares are not an ideal solution because of the interfaces being so clunky. Thank you and this is a great sim BTW.


Do you have a rough timeline on what sections of the SDK will be updated and when? For example, there is a lot missing on WASM and lighting for aircraft.


Is in your plan to allow networked simconnect connection between an external PC and MSFS XBOX version this year ?


Is in your plan allows UDP variables broadcast for XBOX version?

Do you have plan for making professional version of MSFS2020 for FAA AATD in the future?
Have a great day!!

Are you planning on adding a feature that allows editing of existing airport parking, taxiways, runways, etc

Can you please add an option to use a custom material for the lines of taxiway paths. Right now the only way to use custom materials for lines is to uncheck the box for lines in the taxiway paths and draw a painted line above it, which makes the process redundant and doubles the amount work.

Also, painted hatched areas need an option to use custom material or at least an option to pick a custom color.

The only way to do it now is to add a custom DDS to the project with the same filename as the MSFS default material, but this will change the lines for all the default airports.


This is my #1 request right now. LOD override for selected objects.

You can’t see windsocks from any reasonable distance due to their pixel size on screen - so it’s useless when trying to simulate approaching uncontrolled airports. Also, I do some rural airports that use cones to mark the runway and they need to show up from distance.

Right now - you have to make a custom object and add a giant invisible cube or volume to fake the screen size. It’d be much better to have an editable property for the object in the editor.

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Will there ( or is there ) any way to filter out non-SDK content from the scenery / simobjects menu?

Basically, I never want to accidentally add someone’s 3rd party asset to my scenery and would like the ability to filter out every asset that wasn’t provided by Asobo.


When you create a polygon and select water - it looks like it disables all the other settings. Is this by design, or a bug?

( you can’t go back and adjust any other parameters without unchecking water )

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Any possibility of adding UV coordinate animation and vertex colour/alpha animation to the engine and SDK? I know the GLTF format can’t handle these natively, which is unfortunate, but maybe through another method? There are a number of great visual effects that could be produced with these.

Thank you! Looking forward to the Q&A.


When running the editor in full screen - you can click through the panels and “accidentally” select items in the main window. If you run in windowed mode - this doesn’t happen. I’m assuming this isn’t intended functionality? :wink:


Do you have any plans to allow conditions in Lights Presets so there will be an option to turn off lights using simvars?


Can we have a option to edit the car traffic?

MS/Asobo, please respond to this issue:


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Can MSFS dev’s expect to get external camera views into the internal ecam page? For example, in the a380 in real life, there are multiple camera’s that are on the exterior part of the aircraft, and display a signal into the cockpit, can MSFS dev’s utilizing the SDK expect that to be implemented?