Sea Ray 510

Any have any idea how to spawn in the water with this thing?

It’s either start on a runway and err sail… Across the tarmac to water or spawn 1640ft up in the air :person_shrugging:


From their link:

Known Issues: If you cannot start on the sea surface, use the Slew Mode feature to descend to the surface and start navigation

EDIT: The developer does have contact information here:

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Well I’ve tried it…

I’ll let others comment on things…

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The option to start at the surface from any location would benefit so many use cases for flight simulator: water vehicles including float planes, starting from airstrips that don’t have any default parking spots, balloon launches and bushplane takeoffs from fields, or starting from other areas of the ramp at airports. We should probably make it a wish list thread if it isn’t already.


Surely it wouldn’t be that hard to update msfs so that when you click a point on the map to start from it gives you an altitude to select i.e. sea level, ground level, 1000ft , 2000ft etc


the Nav log, on the world map, allows you to select a starting altitude for aircraft, so maybe try 0ft in there.

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Thanks boats moored up for sale… :+1:


Given my other posts were deleted, I’ll be careful with the language to explain something other uses may wish to know about this DLC. There are some human models that appear on the boat. You may wish to not have these humans on the boat. To remove them - just go into the loadout before your flight and set their weight to zero. This will prevent these models appearing.

I’ve had some fun with the boat. You have to be careful with the sea state though. If you have hurricane force winds the boat ends up floating at a paint that sometimes sees it well above the waves, and sometimes underneath it. It was quite amusing though seeing how rough the FS seas can be.

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The thing seemed very underpowered for me I found, also I would of thought with it being a twin screw maybe it would of had 2 throttles. Odd thing I noticed I steered with the rudder pedals but the wheel animated with my yoke.

Yes it is odd. I also wish there was more rudder authority.

And two throttles would aid steering if it does have two screws.

Looks like a twin :+1:

That’s that proved then.

Some controls for the GPS wouldn’t go amiss either.

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The horn wont stop and i cant throttle up. This boat sucks. any ideas?

:joy: well I wasn’t going to be moaned at for being negative but yep I’ll agree with everything you said :+1:

Why… just why are there boats?

Sorry, I don’t get it frankly. If this forces water physics improvements w/float planes, okay great, but otherwise I don’t get it.

What’s next? Cars? Trains? Goats? :wink:


I’m sure there must be a good shipping simulator out there? If so I wonder if anyone is developing airplanes for it instead of MSFS. I mean I might understand an Ekranoplan…
Perhaps there aren’t any ship sims?

There are some professional sims, and you can probably find a consumer/hobbyist sim if you look hard enough, but there don’t seem to be any “big players” like MSFS or even X-Plane.

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Please do not knock Goat Simulators , at least till you have tried one .

Yes-- they do exist !!

  • CFI: Did you do your homework I assigned you ?
  • Student Pilot: NO, the GOAT eat my plane

Can’t wait to see the first one in Marketplace….

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Cars and trains wouldn’t really work, because both of them require an understanding of the underlying systems (e.g. traffic laws) and information (e.g. speed limits, signals, road signs, …) that simply aren’t present in MSFS, even if you just want to get them working at a very basic model.

Ships and boats do follow some traffic laws but they spend a lot of time outside of dedicated shipping infrastructure, i.e. on lakes, rivers or the open sea - similar to how an aircraft spends most of its time in the air, rather than on aviation infrastructure (airfields), but dissimilar to how cars, trucks or trains spend their entire service life on roads or rails unless something goes wrong.

The physics of boats are different than those of airplanes, but since some airplanes are also boats, most flight sims have at least some sense of water physics - as does MSFS.

Boats and ships also generally don’t move through densely-built areas so you don’t get to see the scenery as closely as you would in, say, Euro Truck Simulator, so the quality of MSFS’ procedurally placed buildings is tolerable if you want to do some boating, but it wouldn’t be tolerable if you took a car and drove it through the streets of Paris.

This means that it is not unreasonable to put a boat in a flight simulator - but trains or road vehicles would work a lot less well.

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