I have almost all Seafront Simulations Vessels add-ons for 2020. Activating them in 2024 causes the loading of the sim to get stuck at 97%. Initially I activated all of them and got that problem for the first time. Then I activated only the “core vessels library” and the “Balearic islands” and no other add-ons (since Safe Mode disabled everything) and still got stuck with the “loading is taking unusually long” message.
I will leave the Vessels add-ons disabled for now and wait. If the marketplace bought “Vessels” add-ons are working for somebody else in MSFS 2024 that would be interesting to know. Thank you!
Thanks for all the work by all developers involved, including Seafront Simulations. At the moment I am missing all those ships I am used to from MSFS 2020. MSFS 2024 has some amazing ships, but at the moment the waters feel a bit empty.
Had the same issue, stuck @97% and couldn’t remove…because of Safe Mode
Seafront is not ready yet to function in 2024 but I had it with other sceneries too, so I ‘developed’ my own work-around.
Delete all the Seafront entries, go to SceneryIndexes and backup/zip all the .dat files and delete them.
The sim will rebuild at the next start-up the .dat files without the ‘faulty’ entries.
(I think it will be done during ‘Activating Packages’…)
The sim will be clean again.
There’s an easier way to block packages from doing this. Simply put an empty folder in your community folder with the exact name of the package and you can then get into the sim to disable it. The exact package names can be found in the log file named in the unusually long loading message.
Thanks for the hint on seafront being an issue. I haven’t got round to sorting out which one of my add ons caused my loading issue but I’ll head straight for seafront first.
Thank you for your report! The purpose of the Bug Reporting Hub category is to discuss issues that affect the base simulator. If you are having issues with a 3rd party product, please be sure to file a bug report via the developer’s preferred support method.
If you believe your issue may be caused by a third-party addon/mod, empty your community folder, restart the simulator and try to reproduce the error.
All issues caused by, or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. All issues related to the core simulator can be reported here on the forum or reported through Zendesk.
Thank you, I should have been more clear. Except for the Fenix and Navigraph, there is nothing in my Community folder. I usually buy my add-ons on the Marketplace. Otherwise I would not have posted here. As @Sling380 has pointed out, it seems relevant. Even if the cause of the problem is inside the add-ons, the MSFS 2024 development and community should be aware of the problem.
If loading problems because of add-ons cannot be avoided entirely, it would be useful if Safe Mode didn’t permanently disable all add-ons. It is a pain to have to enable everything, that is working, again after enabling a single add-on, that still has problems.
Content available for purchase from the marketplace are still third party add-ons unless they were developed by Microsoft, i.e. the Famous Flyer aircraft.
The responsibility for those third party add-ons lies with the third-party developer of them, which is why reports about marketplace add-ons also fall outside of this forum’s remit
1 - we are talking loading not running in the sim here. The sim shouldn’t just sit there stuck at whatever percent when it can’t load an add-on. If it doesn’t load just skip it and show the user would be way more helpful than just sitting there with no solution.
2 - if you genuinely believe the vast majority of add-ons are working in the sim as they were in 2020 I’m sorry but that’s simply not true if you go by what has been reported on this very forum. It’s also wholly incorrect when it comes to my catalog of add-ons. Not even close to vast majority.
3 - well yes it’s possible I guess but this seems like fairly fundamental and easy thing to check. It’s not some hard to reproduce obscure thing. It’s stops the whole sim from loading. It can’t get much more blatant than that.
Let’s be honest. We can try and put a rosy gloss on things when things become marginal but right now the state of the sim is way below even that.
In terms of running a program on a computer, there is no difference between ‘loading’ and ‘running’ the sim, it all has to be running on a computer and is therefore prone to being broken in unexpected ways.
I agree It’s easy to check for the add-on in isolation, but when coupled with having a specifc combination of add-ons installed at the same time it is virtually impossible to check all the possible combinations of add-ons, so there may be a few that slip through.
I don’t believe they are, nor did I ever say they were. I was agreeing with you that they were meant to be compatible
No disagreement here, MSFS2024 is not in a very good state at all currently.
Interesting conversation. I seem to recall from a few months ago something somewhere about there being boat/ship traffic in 24 natively, that such add-ons would not be necessary in 24. If that is the case, one might expect such add-ons to be more problematic than, say, airports. All guesswork at this point, trial & error, so it may make sense to hold boats/ships in reserve for now? Anyway, thanks for trying them out, I will not enable my vessels in 24 any time soon!
Thanks for raising this. We haven’t approved any of the 2020 Marketplace add-ons for use in 2024 (we actually requested back in November that they weren’t made automatically available until we had tested, compatible versions) so we aren’t sure why you have them.
That said Orbx, JustFlight and Contrail do have 2024 (PC) compatible versions of a few products. We haven’t had any loading time issues reported for those versions/distribution platforms. The reason those versions aren’t on the Marketplace is that we have to wait until we can test them on the Xbox release of 2024 before we can make them available for 2024 Marketplace users.
We suspect the loading issue is due to MSFS2024 trying to stream the large core model library.
We will be in touch with the Marketplace team to find out what has happened.
For those who want to hear about what we are doing and have planned there’s an article over on MSFSAddons. You can see some why they need updating at the bottom of the article.
I believe that if the owned FS2020 scenery addon was successfully migrated prior to Hotfix #3 in your account, you can search for it in My Library and re-enable it.
I activated my MSFS 2020 Seafront Simulations packages for MSFS 2024 and now most everything has an endless spinny thing. I cannot force the game to crash and cannot start safe mode so the game is now bricked! Any help with fixing this problem is very much appreciated!
It looks like the infrastructure is struggling with the vessels core library. Installing the packages to community via a separate download doesn’t result in this problem. I don’t know how they got through the sign-off process unless the infrastructure was working at the time or the internal test was on an internal network rather than the CDN.
I think Add-Ons were still allowed to be explicitly enabled at migration success until Hotfix #3. Then a global setting was enabled to turn all of it off, even aircraft. As long as it can be searched and located using My Library, the end user can enable it. Unintended effect, but unfortunately few choices until Marketplace is back and they can filter availability through Provisioning. Right now, it’s all or nothing.