msfs-2024 i did my best
Good job. MSFS 2024, search for devs to rescue this ailing program.
thanks …
If anyone struggles with this certification, the target is always in the same spot. It’s the left side of the circle as you approach it, just past halfway up. You can see it in the video. It can be difficult to do the low pass because the target is nestled in between 2 hills. I found it best to do a low pass in an arch to avoid the hill.
It’s a difficult certification for sure due to the location of the target.
THANKS , i appreciate you helpful info
No pain no gain
Working hard (…very hard with Xbox controller ) i finally got my first “S” saving life
Apart from a few impossible landings I really love these missions
i have thrustmaster TCA a320 sidestick with throttles , and i did my best trying to learn how to fly a helicopter with no luck … can you recommend YouTube link for me easy to learn and the best controller settings in msfs24 ? thanks .
I really hope at some point they won’t trigger this cut scene but rather have the player keep control of the helicopter and let us also press a button to start boarding when we feel ready.
I had several crashes because during that scene the helicopter just slid away…
I totally agree with you IncontnentCamel…it happened to me many times and it’s really frustrating. It would be great to have control of the vehicle even when boarding to try extreme maneuvers like in the video (…in which it was a stroke of luck that the helicopter didn’t slip )
First of all, I’m not a helicopter expert , I only did the basic tutorials (very useful anyway) and a lot of practice (even extreme to understand how the aircraft reacts) to best dose the controls. I use the collective on the A and B buttons of the controller and it’s exhausting to keep pressing up and down to keep a balance. For the settings I only use the tail rotor assistance (no on the collective and no on the cyclic) and the assistance on the controller sensitivity. In the controls (which are the default ones) at the moment I have raised the sensitivity of the cyclic axis to 0.75 because I feel like I have a more precise response to the micro movements of the Stick. For the H125 I add that up to 80/90 knots it is quite manageable while at higher speeds it becomes a crazy horse
I found this video helpful for general basics :
Rescue mission with no winch and no place to land (there are several missions like this)…I really hope they fix this
Been having the same issue. Dense forest on the side of the mountain. Perfect for winch, but to land!? Aggravating to say the least. Had one where there was a clearing about 40-50 yards from the target, tried landing there. No luck, gotta be closer which is impossible.
i had the same issue and thats the only mission i get
I have an issue that after first SAR mission in cub, all other SAR missions are only in the same area in Chile.
I had an impression SAR missions are auto generated and I will see some in forests and mountains of Europe where my home base is.
My helicopter constantly slides down the hill when the roller comes on, which is the cause of several of my accidents. How did you manage to keep the helicopter in control?
I had that yesterday and the only “landable” clearing was 1.33nm away.
I’d read a tip that suggested you could land out of range of the sim recognising it as close enough, get out of the helicopter and walk to the survivor, to get the mission done. However, if this tip does work, it would appear to have limits to the walking distance, as I failed the mission, due to being too far from my aircraft.
Two possible solutions, for the devs, would be to either ensure that there are useable landing areas for where the survivor is placed or perhaps easier, just allow the pilot to just report the position and return to base, possibly for a lower reward/bonus.
During the flight it is possible (even if very difficult at least for me) but as soon as you touch the ground the animation starts and it is no longer possible to control the helicopter which I noticed maintains the last command given… in the case of the video it was a lucky coincidence… the nose was stuck in the snow and the last control given was forward so it remained there for the time necessary for boarding (a few seconds) before the rapid take-off
I just gave up on this one…I did a rescue landing earlier and it had dense forest but they were not actual objects and I could land…This mountain side one is for sure broke between the trees set as objects and the mountain not being a consistant hight