Seasons incorrect in Southern Hemisphere

Why is it fall season in Santiago, Chile?

But springish in Asheville North Carolina?


First it depends on the type of trees in the region, you know, like pine trees that are always green no matter the seasons, also dependant of the hemisphere, as in the Northern hemisphere is winter, and in the Southern hemisphere is now Summer (Australia)

The default season is not working correctly and mostly missing seasons in Southern hemisphere.


Hi Bijan have you seen this thread we discussed the seasonal changes in fields and how they’re not accurate?

I was wondering if a developer such as yourself has any access to the seasons feature in the sim to alter it? Could you for example add far greater variety to the foliage in fields to add proper crop types? Or are we going to have to wait, and hope Asobo develop it themselves? Currently it seems a bit broken and underwhelming.

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Yes I was just reading it during my break. After I finish with seasons I’ll definitely have a look, as there are features that can be changed or added.


I’ve brought this issue forward as this isn’t the only post/topic about it.


Its Summer in Chile.


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It’s the middle of Summer in Chile and the trees are autumn colored. It’s definitely a bug.


It’s not a bug. It was never created for southern hemisphere. Maybe they will include in next updates.

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The same occurs in New Zealand near NZWF / Wanaka.

Same for Johannesburg