I think other player got also this problem when use a second monitor for little nav map or vfr map etc. There is a solution that fps do not drops down?
If you pop out any of the MSFS windows like the VFR map to separate windows, your frame rate will go down. As far as I know there is no workaround except not to do that.
Using a second monitor for other apps that connect to MSFS doesn’t necessarily cause a slowdown inherently, but it does use additional GPU resources such as memory that will not be available to MSFS. If you have a small amount of VRAM and are running a high-resolution desktop, that could cause some loss in frame rate or the appearance of “stutters” as things go over the VRAM allocation, then free up memory to go back below it.
I don’t know anything about little nav map, but Navigraph Charts doesn’t seem to slow down my MSFS frame rate any when I have it open on second monitor. (RTX 2070 Super, 8GB VRAM, dual 4K displays, settings mostly at “high-end” with 70%-80% render scaling depending on my mood)
Agree, third party apps like TrackIr, Voice Attack, MobiFlight on a second monitor are no problem but as soon as you pop out a window frame rates drop like you are trying to support two full up cockpits. I’m running an old Nvidia 1060 and just can’t get away with pop outs.
I run a 15.6" touch screen + 2 tablets (using Spacedesk) as external monitors. I use Air Manager + Mobiflight and have a bunch of layouts, including steam gauge C172 with GNS530/430, Dual G1000 panels plus a side panel for extra controls, and a layout for my TBM with dual G3000 screens.
Popping out windows is a pain. The initial window popped out can drop your fps by as much as 10. Each subsequent instrument you break out is another 2-3 fps. If you’re running at low frame rates already, this is not a good option. If you can normally run 40+ fps, then it works well and is a good solution. If you can’t normally hit over 35 fps, then popping out instruments is probably not suitable for your computer.
I really hope that Asobo can get this sorted out eventually.
Disregard my post on another topic, you answered my question here. I’ve been looking at Newegg, Best Buy and Amazon for a NVidia 3K card but alas there are none to be had.
The only thing I haven’t tried is turning off the 30 fps limit that I have set up in the NVidia control panel, will give that a try, thanks for inspiring that idea!
As long as you have the ports on the card, you should be able to connect extra monitors without issue or performance loss, as long as you’re not spanning the main sim window across them (nVidia Surround), extra monitors shouldn’t drop frame rate. Even running wireless monitors (tablets using SpaceDesk) have no appreciable effect on your performance.
That 30 fps you lock the sim at is SHARED across the main sim window and any popped out windows / instruments you have. Whether you have your frame rate limit set in nVidia Control Panel or V-Syc in game, the result is the same. Personally, I find no benefit in limiting fps other than your GPU doesn’t “run away” at the menu screens. I have my limit set to 60 in my nVidia CP for that reason. I have no V-Sync in game.
This is my setup posted in the image below. I have my main monitor, which is a UWQHD @ 3440x1440, I have my side monitor which is 4K, my 15.6" touch monitor on my Honeycomb which is 1080p, my iPad 5th Gen (2048x1536), and my Android tablet (1280 x 800) all running. There is zero effect from extra monitors on my frame rate. My fps is exactly the same whether they’re connected or not. It’s breaking out the instruments that causes the fps drop.
In this scene in the image, I was getting 44 fps once I loaded in. Popping out my first G1000 screen dropped me down to 36 fps. Popping out the second G1000 dropped me down to 34 fps. Through this whole flight I’m about to do, I’m expecting my frame rate to remain between 28 and 34 fps, and will likely dip to around 25 when I reach Miami since it’s a pretty busy place with a ton of buildings and planes. And it will be CPU (Ryzen 2700X) power that becomes my bottleneck at that point, not my GPU (RTX 2080). I rarely see my GPU usage go over 50-60%. I’m completely CPU bound in the sim.
Excellent! Capped at 60 fps in NVidia and all is smooth and nice, thank you. I’m running 1080 hd and the GPU is loafing at around 35% and the 10700 CPU at 20%. Indicated fps is 57-60 which I know is split between the windows so it’s maintaining ~30 fps. Now I can’t justify putting off building the G-1000 panel.
Thanks again!
Anyone found a solution to the FPS drop with popping out the G1000 to other monitors?
Interim solution: MSFS | Fix FPS Loss on Pop Out Screens - YouTube
What’s funny is that when I first got my Virtual-Fly G1000 (18 months ago), I didn’t seem to have an issue. I thought it was interesting that others would say they had pop-out issues. I have 5 monitors…3 as nvidia surround and then the 2 G1000. 4 are on the nvidia (max) and 1 on internal hard drive graphics driver). Somewhere along the way, I must have switched the HDMI cables on the PFD and MFD. Sometimes I just use the PFD and at first it was the monitor with the internal driver and I didn’t have issues. I remember trying something with the cables experimenting and I must have swapped the two. Back to flying with the PFD in the panel with little FPS hit. Thanks! (And hopefully MS finds a solution soon!)
Greetings. I have a Alienware Aurora Ryzen 10 with a RTX 2080 super. Could I install a second (cheap) graphics card to run the pop out so not to loose the FPS that happen. I do not have integrated graphics installed in my machine. If this will work, could I please have advice in a cheap card for my second video card. Also how to install and set up for MSFS 2020. Thanks in advance to all who reply. Have a blessed New Year