Yesterday I did a flight from ESGP to ENBR with the TBM 930, using a high altitude IFR route. I selected the PESU3P STAR during flight planning and left the approach on automatic.
Then the route looks like the image below and the STAR route appears in yellow (as expected).
But as soon I also select the approach (ILS 35-W in this case), the approach route itself is appended correctly (in purple), but the STAR route suddenly takes a shortcut (see image below). The waypoints are still visible, but the route itself bypasses the waypoints.
Something similar happens during the flight, when I load the route in the G3000 (the screenshots below show the working title g3000 mod (v0.7.1), but I could also reproduce this problem without any mods installed)
This is the route with the PESU3P STAR loaded:
But, as soon as I also load the approach, the route looks like this (somehow the route takes a shortcut from BR734 to GODID, but also seems to make an extra loop over the STAR):
This is a preview of just the approach route:
The problem already occurs during flight planning on the MSFS world map, so it does not seem to be a G3000 (or any other FMC) specific problem. Or could it be a problem in the aeronautical database?
Best regards,