Send instruments panel of Cessna 152 on tablet

I’m newbie to MS FS 2020.
I’m looking to send the instrument’s panel of Cessna 152 on a tablet (undocking) used as a second screen.
But I can’t do that.
Is this impossible or is there something

I’m wrong?
Thanks in advance.

There are two things that can be undocked:
Toolbar windows such as ATC and the VFR Map
Any electronic instrument such as a G1000 PFD or even the digital faces of the older radios. To do this, move your mouse over that screen, press the right Alt key, then click.

Unfortunately, what you want to do is not available in MSFS - at least until some clever developer comes up with a solution…


Will Air Manager from sim innovations work for this?. This is a design your own panels and can also be used to place your panel on your tablet. This is a $69 addon for desktop and $21 for tablet only. It just recently got an update for MSFS2020. I was looking into this myself, to do exactly what you want to do. Maybe someone who has it can comment.

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They are payWave …you can create your own instrument panel on a seperate monitor

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I’ve been using Air Manager since January. Works like a charm. I don’t have the tablet version, only the desktop and I use 2 touch monitors. However, if you use a program like SpaceDesk (free), you can use your tablet as a wireless monitor for your computer and display your Air Manager panel on that instead of your physical hard-wired monitor. I used to do that before I got my touch monitors. I used both an iPad and an Android. Both worked equally well.

I still occasionally use the iPad as a 3rd Air Manager screen for some planes that require extra controls I can’t fit on my 2 main panels.


CM…I’m using Simplugins, regretfully their ND setup is not the best…I have been toying about jumping into Air Manager…have you had experience of Simplugins by any chance? If so, is Air Manager that much better?

I switched from SimPlugins ‘PanelBuilder’ to SimInnovations ‘AirManager’ in April. And I don’t regret it. AirManager is a more powerful platform for this kind of applications.

The selction of instruments covers a wide range of aircraft types. The community is active and provides good quality free and payware instruments. You can use the instruments as downloaded or easily modify to your preferences, and develop your own instruments. You get a well documented (Wiki) API/system and an active forum. Supoort is outstanding.

AirManager is continually updated with new features, and allows integration of a broad variety of hardware (several makes of Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Knobster and more). It supports networked clients on Windows, Mac, Linux as well as support for iPad and android devices.

Check their website, wiki, forum and compare it to SimPlugins website (They do not have a wiki documentation nor a forum). Then decide yourself.


Thanks young fella :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:…I have checked their website on a number of occasions…it does look very active…thanks for info…good to hear a from a first hand experience…plus a comparison… .I’ll scare the moths out of the wallet…

Hi, how did you get the two garmin instruments on the screen? Are these available in Air Manager?

Hi @OldBoldPilot811 I’ve been using Airmanager for a few months now, and have a couple of basic panels set up for the Cesnas and a couple of variations for the JF Arrows, but I’m a “stand on the shoulders of giants” kind of guy when it comes to building these things, I just don’t seem to have the skillset to build my own :-), so I pick and choose a range of instruments that “kind of work” mostly and use those,

There are a large number of instruments built for Xplane or P3D that i keep thinking if only I could amend that to take the variables from MSFS that would be great. do you have any pointers on where to start with a project like that? Airmanager is a very powerful platform, the flip side is, that for people like myself, who dont have any basic coding skills is working out where to start.

G1000 works really well on Airmanager, have a look at @Crunchmeister71 posts on it

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I did not start on developing my own instruments yet. I usually clone the free instrument and start modifying them for my panels. As I do not use other simulators (XP & P3D) anymore, in a first step I strip down the logic.lua code to the essential parts for MSFS. So the code gets more readable. Only when I finally understand the instruments workflow I do some modding. Most of the steam gauges code is stright forward and the methods are repetitious over many instruments.

For MSFS replacement variables/events I serarch in the SDK SimConnect documentation.

What is the instrument you are having troubles finding corresponding variables?

NICE setup man… good job… i just added my xbox controller to my yoke as well. Have u figured out how to stop it from going to sleep all the time? I use air manager for steam dash, spacedesk for GTN750 on tablet, spadnext for all saitek and flight controls with realsimgears gns530… also built some arduino knobsters for trims. All work perfect in this sim.

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Hi, I think I just need to set aside some quality time to get my head around it properly.

The ones I’ve been trying to get to work are the two groups of three for the JF arrow (Oil temp, oil pressure and Amps, as well as fuel L / R and pressure.) The fuel gauges work after a fashion, but the scales are all wrong, oil temp and pressure and amps just sit there. I’ve found another oil pressure / Fuel Pressure and temp gauge that does seem to work, so I was going to have a dig around in the code and see if I can work out what its doing and replicate in the group of three gauges.

Like i said I just need to dedicate a bit of time to getting my head around it.

Thanks for the info, I will try it out.

I have. I keep the Xbox controller plugged in. It’s the only way to do it that I could find. I run a USB cable to it with enough slack, have it attached to the yoke shaft with a zip tie, and run it behind my panels to one of my USB hubs.

Does it update in real time ok?

I’ve been noting a certain degredation in performance of SkyElite if I’m also running LittleNavMap or getting really greedy and adding other SimConnect type apps to the network load.

What I would be looking for is a method of creating a basic instrument panel that gives me all the data I need to fly using the instruments only which I can run on a networked pc with the monitor placed just under my main screen.

SkyElite (also payware) really delivered this nicely…but it seems to drop data a lot.

I regularly have LNM and Navigraph open along with multiple Air Manager panels. I never noticed any lagging in updating instruments.It seems pretty low latency to me. Even when I turn my Knobster to dial in radios, it feels really responsive.

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I use an app called Spacedesk plus it’s free. You basically install it on your tablet and pc and then you use it as a second screen. This allows you to just drag the window (or instrument) you want displayed on the tablet. It’s very easy to setup and works really well.

Hi, TearlessFiend27.
Thanks for your reply.
I’m using Spacedesk but only few intruments can be dragged on the second screen and not those highlighted on my image.