SEPECAT Jaguar A by French-VFR

French-VFR has started a new project which will be more complex than the previous ones.
In collaboration with 2 old pilots and a mechanic who has worked for many years on this aircraft, we hope to offer a new freeware based on the French SEPECAT Jaguar A.

Depending on the complexity of the project, a Marine version will probably also be developed for future naval operations that MSFS should be able to offer one day.

Given my inexperience with military jets, a lot of informations needs to be collected and many technical points solved on the paper (gauges, leading edge slats, external fuel tanks, airdroppable weapons), therefore this project will be carried out in the background of the current Beaver project.

Two pics to present this new project :

Bugs corrections on the Canso and the Beaver’s VC are not forgotten :ok_hand:


Now this looks superb. I was just commenting last week how I would love a Jaguar. I hope they are able to do the UK GR’s too. :+1:

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Interesting subject matter. Assume from your company name you are distinct from Francevfr?

For the GR[1-3], the cockpit is totally different, pilots who help me are French so the answer is no

I am an independent developer who has been creating freeware aircraft since 2006 for FS2004, FS, P3D and MSFS.
I have nothing to do with France-VFR.
My website where my creations are available is located here

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No problem at all. Its a lovely looking model and I will look forward to it. Well done so far :+1:

Looks great so far.

Very interested in future updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks Lagaffe! I have enjoyed all your creations.

Interesting. I am considering doing a Jaguar myself, although that would be the UK variants.

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You might want to chat with me Panther Repaints Main Page



It’s a very nice modelisation but it’s an english Jaguar GR: this post is only about a Jaguar A !
This has already been announced above. If it’s a proposal of help, thanks a lot but I work alone.

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