So I’m still only suspecting this is the cause, I don’t really know what’s happened, but this last week or two, none of my jets, 1st or 3rd party have been behaving properly, and most of them have been behaving so bad I cannot fly them or nearly cannot fly them at all (I can barely even turn without falling out the sky and wobbling out of control, and I and if I don’t wobble out of control, I just go in a straight direction without being able to turn the plane, it just locks out)
The cause I am suspecting is a glitch with the weight/balance settings. They haven’t been behaving properly for a while. The first problem I’ve noticed is this red line that has been coming up vertically in an arbitrary way, as seen here: Screen capture - 1beea8706bada58a4958f0febfb26179 - Gyazo. I’m not sure what it means but it has not really shown up much before and it doesn’t seem right at all.
The second problem is sometimes, empty CG position slider has no effect on the Center of gravity, where it otherwise had in the past. Or it has little effect or doesn’t quite work the way it used to.
Sometimes fuel amount and payload doesn’t properly effect the center of gravity either.
(FYI, I have done all the basic things, clearing community folder, developer options on and off, flight model adjustments, reinstalling… etc etc)
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The red line is a new feature showing -I believe (as it hasn’t been officially explained)- when there is a lateral imbalance in the loading.
Secondly, in some aircraft moving the MAC slider now no longer repositions COG - you have to do it by positioning the load in the stations in a way that stays within COG limits.
I’m not sure what the cause of the problem you are experiencing might be: there are numerous possibilities including bugged controller profiles, some assistance setting being accidentally activated, legacy flight model instead of modern etc etc. Some more info about the type of aircraft, your controllers may help.