Setting flaps 1 before landing A320 Neo

Hello guys,
I wonder if you can help me with this, i have attached the picture of the PFD, before i set FLaps 1 on A320 neo speed is on the green dot, after i set flaps 1 the plane dramatically goes up and i cannot control it, why this is happening any idea please?

Okay, before getting into the issue itself, you might need to check a few things here:

  1. Set flight model to modern. Not legacy. This is because the A320 is designed and coded to use modern flight dynamics. So setting to legacy will mess up the flight dynamics and will give you weird behaviour.
  2. Turn off everything in the assistance settings. Flying the A320 should have set the assistance set to Hard/True to Life. This is because assistance settings are designed for beginners flying GA. With complex autopilot systems in the A320, assistance settings will override it and give you all sorts of weird behaviour.
  3. AI Copilot control should be set to OFF. This is because the copilot is incompetent, so turning them on will give you a lot of weird behaviour as well.
  4. Sensitivity settings is set to 5-10% deadzone on all axis X, Y, Z. This is to make sure micro inputs from the joystick or controls doesn’t override the autopilot, giving you weird behaviour again. This is to also avoid the tendency to roll when you pull back the stick at any other direction than straight 180 degrees.

Now, onto the issue. Apart from the most common issue that people experience which is solved by doing the steps above. The only thing I do differently from you is that I keep my airspeed on managed mode. That way, when I extend the flaps, the aircraft attitude stays the same to let it slow down to the S speed instead of sticking to the green dot speed as your selected airspeed target is at.

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Thank you so much for taking the time and answering my question!!! I was frustrated by that… Finally it worked!! The problem was that I had it on Legacy and I was never able to land the plane. Now it is perfect!!! Thanks Again! Cheers.