Setting up flight controls is such a chore

I fly both FS2020 and X Plane. Yesterday I had to adjust some control settings in both. While it took me only a couple of minutes to redo some control settings in X Plane it took forever in FS2020. Why is it that the people who design software for FS2020 have to make it so hard to setup controllers???

Right now I am struggling to find the proper combination so can use my WinWing collective and throttle with FS 2020 even though it works very well in X Plane.

Is there a good tutorial on line??? Thanks in advance!!!


Hate nto be that guy but I find Xplane more tedious than MSFS due familiarity. There is a sheet which lists all of the controls in MSFS at release.
Maybe this will help you out.


Coming from another flightsim is always a difference. You come with familiarization and expectation and then it looks different. When I came from P3D to DCS it was so and then to MSFS it was so again. I found XP quite weird as well.

But I have to agree. MSFS‘s UI is just bad, all above the controls menu. I avoid it whenever possible.

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There are many external tools making control setup easier and more flexible. I use Axis and Ohs, but there are many more.

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jup, it’s a matter of preference, I use AAO, too, but others are good as well.

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On the other hand, I re-mapped the MSFS keyboard to look more like XP. For example, I find the Numpad key arrangement for cockpit quick look directions to be more intuitive than Ctrl Shift 0-9 to look (and Ctrl Alt 0-9 to store). Just personal preference. Thanks for the link to MSFS controls list.

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Site is down…Bummer

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Someone was kind enough to post a PDF here.

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The Xplane interface is better in some ways and you certainly see more choices with what Austin gives you right out of the box.
That said, I still have not been able to get the lights on the HC Bravo to work correctly and fugghetabbout the AP dials😃

But MSFS is certainly not stellar in the way it’s UI is designed. And if you fly different airplanes that need different control setups, then MSFS is pretty much the worst.
Since I am oldfashioned I stuck with what I know which is FSUIPC. And I still love the fact that it simply knows which config to load when I switch planes in FS.
Though even that parts MSFS managed to make much worse than in old versions. :wink:

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easpeccially as a ‘new’ simmer it’s crazy and very difficult to set it all up. Esp for different planes. But perhaps manufactorers can also help a bit to have custum setups for the big sims.

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All - Been flying in FS Sims since 95, up till this one setting up flight controls was a snap. MSFS 2020 is a well, cannot talk that way on this forum. One day MSFS lost my settings for my Virpil devices, it took me 3 days just to get my flaps working on all the planes. That is not easy, nor user friendly. That is “needing to be a computer scientist to understand it”

X-plane is ten hundred times easier to setup my flight devices. It helps in both I have made a word document with what control does what, with one for XP and one for MSFS, with those descriptions listed. But, in XP the wording for the controls is just written better and easier to understand. I have been XP user since 2020, and MSFS was the reason I got it, because nothing in MSFS worked like it used to up until SU05. I got so mad at it, took off pc, went to XP and it was east to use, easy to setup and fly in. So we are all different. I now have XP-11 & 12, MSFS, and have CD’s for FSX and COF, if I choose to put those on pc.
The one saving grace for MSFS is graphics, but still have to move very close to PC to see the PFD and read it clearly, and I have 49" monitor, at Full Screen for MSFS. XP also can be hard to see too.

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Hi folks,

For those having trouble setting up hardware peripherals, can you please provide some more info on what specifically is causing you headaches? MSFS has default profiles for most popular devices, so generally very minimal setup is required out of the box.

If your specific product doesn’t have default control mappings, you can search the controls menu by function and then map each individual control (see screenshot below where I did a search for “landing gear”). For me personally, it’s never taken longer than 5-10 minutes to setup all my controls, and I’ve always found it easy and intuitive.


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Even if not too difficult, I did find it baffling that MSFS does not have a generic joystick profile that would work on everything recognised by Windows as a joystick. Until a couple of years ago I had a cheap joystick that just worked for 20+ years, and MSFS was the first flight simulator where I had to set up the controls manually from scratch. Didn’t have to in FS2000/2002/2004/X, Flight, Prepar3D, X-Plane, aeroflyFS and so on.

For someone completely new with an obscure joystick model, who would probably not even know the meaning of words like “aileron” and “elevator”, they’d have to turn to an external guide which never feels good. Even if not too relevant to the UI side of this discussion, I feel I should point out again the importance of a generic joystick profile.

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Well I have two WinWing controllers for flying helicopters. They are recognized by FS2020 BUT there seems to be a discord between what they are supposed to do and what they can do. For instance. I cannot get the throttle on the collective to work in FS2020 although it works just fine in XPLANE 11 and 12. None of the options seems to work and there are way too many “options” to figure out and I have literally tried all of them. It is so easy to set things up in X PLANE and so difficult in FS2020. Has anyone from the developers ever looked at what other sim companies are doing??? It might be a good idea. FWIW

I love the program and the scenery but I just want to fly and not be a computer geek and have to “program” the joysticks. Has anyone from the developers had someone with no computer skills actually try and program the various peripherals? I am pretty computer savvy and took FORTRAN in college and do the maintenance on all our work computers, both PC and Mac, so I am comfortable around computers but this setting up my joysticks is pure torture.


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Just curious. Are you trying to fly the HYPE H145 ? There is no manual throttle.


This claim:

MSFS has default profiles for most popular devices, so generally very minimal setup is required out of the box.

is false – my joystick (Thrustmaster HOTAS X), and I suspect many others, is recognized but has NO default bindings. In addition, the binding setup behaved very oddly and the window kept jumping around. I don’t want to spend hours setting up every single one of the 100+ bindings manually. I’m here to have fun.

I´m a pilot in real world, and flight controls in MSFS 2020 are really very bad. The SIM is wonderful compared to all the other SIMS I have flown but it’s difficult to understand how controls are completely out of order and virtually impossible to get a “standard” setting. No matter what I try with different joysticks or profiles…impossible to fly properly. Something to improve soon.
Compared to FSX, Xplane, Lockheed Martin or Aerofly …MSFS 2020 is the best environment with the worst flight controls I have experienced.

Hi, and welcome to the forums! :smiley:
You are not alone in having difficulty configuring the flight controls. FYI, there is a Wishlist item that you might like to read & vote on if you agree to it:

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The constant closing and repositioning of the options frame is irritating. Often I’ll want to change multiple commands in the same section, only to have it close and scroll to the top of the list after making a change. This is on Xbox.


I had to make some adjustments to my flight controls in X-Plane 12. It was so easy compared to FS2020. Maybe time for someone who does the programing in FS2020 to look at other flight simulators and see how easy it should be…just a suggestion.