Setting up Free-Castoring Wheels?

Hey Guys,

Can anyone clue me in on how to setup fully free-castoring wheels?

The related new variables (apart from the ‘steering angle’ defined in contact points):

max_speed_full_steering =0
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 20 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing (in feet/second).
min_available_steering_angle_pct = 0.2 ; Defines the percentage of steering which will always be available even above max_speed_decreasing_steering (in percent over 100).
max_speed_full_steering_castering = 20 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering_castering = 40 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
min_castering_angle = 0.05236 ; Defines the minimum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).
max_castering_angle = 3.14159265358979 ; Defines the maximum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).

The values given are the defaults it reverts to when incorrect parameters are used. I can’t seem to find the ‘magic’ combination to get a simple free-castor wheel.

Anyone knowledgeable here?


Contact points, first line of digits, 8th number (something like 40 or 60) change to 180

No joy for me, this just makes the tailwheel locked straight. The editor only accepts values between 90 and -90 in that field anyhow