I wrote this for someone else a little while ago. It works for any airports I edit. I hope you find it helpful:
How to get an ILS correctly ‘set-up’ in MSFS.
Don’t forget to remove ILS from airport exclusion list first.
This technique only works for straight in ILS approaches. Offset ILSs won’t work.
The best place to ‘build’ the ils is spawned in on the runway threshold that the ILS is to be built for.
- Initial data
The ‘Friendly name’ should be ILS xx (where xx is the runway concerned)
The frequency should be as published (if an existing ILS)
The ident should be as published (if an existing ILS) NB I-EGT should be entered as IEGT (i.e. no dashes)
Tick enable range and accept defaul value of approx 50000
Tick enable beam width and leave it at 5 degrees
Don’t tick BackCourse
The two other important fields are “Heading” and “Magvar”. These can be calculated from within the sim and do not need external data.
The heading should be the heading display on your cockpit instrumentation as you look down the runway. Ignore any temptation to enter data from other sources! It doesn’t matter if it is slightly out.
To calculate the MagVar, look at the difference between the “heading” used for the ILS and the Heading given under Configuration at the top of the Runway’s properties page, where you are entering the ILS data. Enter that difference (As a positive number) in the MagVar field.
- Setting position of components.
Localizer position- Tick ‘edit position’ under ILS Friendly Name. It should spawn a moveable point around about the middle of the runway. Drag it to around ground level at the far end of the runway you are building the ILS for. Eg for an ILS on runway 26, the loacalizer needs to be placed at the 08 runways end, around 100 m or so beyond the threshold but still on the extended runway centre line.
Untick edit position.
If ILS is to have DME, tick DME box. Tick position. Again a point should spawn around about middle of runway. This should be dragged to approximate location of where PAPIs should go on the runway, i.e. close to the threshold of the runway that the ILS is being built for.
A value of 30000 works for range
Tick ‘Has glide slope’
Position the glideslope at the same location as the DME, near where the PAPIs would go. Range for that can also be 30000
The pitch should be as published for the ILS. Most are 3°, but some are different.
For secondary ILS, that is for the ILS on the other end of the runway. Placements of components should be more or less a mirror image of the primary ILS. Range figures can be the same for both primary and secondary. It is just a matter of repeating the process for the Primary ILS.
A quick way to find Heading is to either add or subtract 180° from the primary ILS heading (as long as the value is between 0 and 360. MagVar is the same value.
NB The ident for the secondary ILS needs to be different from the ident for the primary ILS. It should be published.
Voila, you should have a functioning straight in ILS after it is compiled!
Edit: Update- It seems that since SU4 it is now possible to set up offset ILSs using the method above that do get recognised by in sim instrumentation and that will be followed/used by the autopilot