Setting up Quest 2 to work with MSFS - Updated tutorial?

Hello all :slight_smile:

Is there an updated tutorial on how to get Oculus Quest 2 to work with MSFS?
I just can’t understand where to start!

For starters, have you installed the Oculus software on your PC. Are you using a Link cable or using Air Link?

Beyond that, there’s not much more than hitting the “Ctrl+Tab” in FS 2020 to get VR going.

Hello and thank you for your answer.

I’m trying Air-Link, and have activated it under Beta

However, Ctrl+Tab don’t seems to do nothing. All I can see in Oculus Quest 2 is that Oculus-home-thing when I put the device on.

In MSFS however, the screens is split like it supposted to do.

Edit: Installed OpenXR Developer Tools and now MSFS dont even detect the Oculus!
I can’t believe how complicated this has to be!

Couple of things you have going here. You don’t need to install Open XR development tools. In fact, you don’t have to install anything other than the Oculus software on your PC. :slight_smile:

Did you also start the Air Link connection within the headset?

When you click on the “quick settings” (while wearing the Q2) you’ll see a window pop open that should say, “Oculus Air Link.”

When you click on that, another window should pop up (in your Q2 headset) that says “Air Link” on the top with a big “launch” button in blue.

How are you up to that point?

There’s a lot of VR installation confusion in this forum because nobody (usually) mentions what VR set they have, the video card they’re using, or where they bought FS 2020 (Steam or the MS store).

What ends up happening is people start installing stuff for other headsets (other than the Q2) thinking they’re on the right path.

Oh…and make sure “Air LInk” is turned on INSIDE your Q2. Check this by going to…

  1. Quick settings
  2. Settings
  3. Experimental Features
  4. Air Link (it will be on the right-hand side. You need to make sure it’s also turned on)

When you “Launch” Air Link, a grayish-looking “room” should open up. When you’re at that point the “ctrl+tab” should cause FS 2020 to open in your headset.

It can be frustrating. :slight_smile:

also, is your registry set for “oculus_openxr_64.json” or for Steam?

Assuming the MS store version…

  1. Right click on your start menu and select “Run.”

  2. Type in “regedit” (without quotations) and hit Enter. This will launch your
    registry editor.

  3. Locate the following:


  4. For ActiveRuntime change its value to the one that matches your platform (note: default path is shown below):C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json

The “oculus_openxr_64.json” is located in the installed drive under, “Program Files/Oculus/Support/Oculus-runtime.”

Fun times. :slight_smile:

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Thank you SO much! NOW it works!

Your answer was just the info I was looking for :slight_smile:

I wasn’t aware that I also had to enable Air Link in the headset. That was not exactly intuitive.

Had also some problems MSFS did not recognize the headset, but that had something to do with installation of that OpenXR-stuff. Had to revert back to the Oculus Runtime (expected it to do it automatically when uninstalling OpenXR, but it didn’t).

Too bad there’s so much wrong information on the internet that causes a lot of confusion (for me).

MSFS was the only reason I bought the OC in the first place.

Guess you are my hero now :star_struck:

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No hero, but thanks anyhow. :slight_smile: Ya…there are a few rabbit holes.

Same here. I wanted to dip my toe into VR but didn’t want to spend $1000 on a set that’ll be obsolete in another year. I’ll wait for the NEXT leap in VR…something clear that doesn’t look like we’re looking out through a scuba mask. :slight_smile:

I have a Q2 too and I agree with pwmacbert about the confusion existing within the pages of this forum; another thing I rarely see is whether a setup is via airlink, virtual desktop and above all cable.
While we are here… which one of the above setup would you suggest?

The confusion is because there are so many different set ups and so many different variables with peoples hardware, and that ultimately has an impact on how well all the software performs. There is quite a lot of song and dance with getting the Quest 2 to work well with the sim.

For me what works best is turning on the headset, plugging in my link cable and once I’ve switched to the PC home screen within the headset I then launch the sim from inside the headset. Once the sim has loaded to the main menu screen on my 2D monitor I then switch to VR and I don’t come out of it. From there on everything is done inside VR. Launching the sim from within the headset seems to be crucial for me for getting a stable performance.

I’ve got the Steam version of the sim but I don’t use Steam VR. Personally I prefer the link cable to airlink. I get noticeable compression with the visuals when I use air link. It just doesn’t look as good, but thats just my experience with my hardware. Others will get a different experience. Some people prefer the airlink method.

I think the only reason to use virtual desktop is that it integrates with Steam VR but like I said I don’t use either anymore.

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