Settings & SSW,ASW, Depth, etc

Hi, first off all here are my specs.
CPU: 12700k,
GPU: 4070ti,
32gb 4800mhz DDR5,
nvme samsung 980 pro.
Headset: QUEST 3
I am new to this and hoping someone with a similar rig can give me an idea of what i should be aiming for.
I have been trying a lot of different things. Pretty sure some kind of SSW is needed if I want it to look decent and not go to S### in denser areas.
Problem is, any kind of SSW (reprojection is more accurate I guess but will refer to it as SSW) does not look right… Movement becomes very unnatural and wobbly or juddery. Is there something I am doing wrong? or do people actually just accept this judder in turn for the fps increase and graphics?
Any tips would be most appreciated.
Thank you.

If you fly civilian planes without doing about abrupt maneuvers just aim at smothnees not FPS. Even 30 FPS when smooth can be enough. If you don’t like reprojection artifacts just turn reprojecrion off. Go with settings down enough to have at least 30 FPS, stable. DLSS can be nice option to retain quality and achieve acceptable FPS
Without providing info on your setup (what headset you use) there is no way to give you more advice.
Your GPU (matters most for VR due to crazy huge numbers of pixels processedl is in midrange, you must keep your expectations at moderate level.

Really? Can no one share their settings?


Happy to share some settings, I’m just away from my PC at the moment. In the meantime:

  • Take the refresh rate of your headset and halve it (e.g., 90Hz / 2 = 45). If you can maintain 45 fps, or more, whilst flying in MSFS you may notice the reprojection artefacts to be less noticeable (I.e., less wobbling).

  • if you struggle to maintain half the fps, you can try lowering your graphics settings, traffic settings, or lowering the headset refresh rate (e.g., 80Hz instead of 90Hz).

  • Oculus ASW is generally a very good reprojection method. Virtual Desktop SSW is also pretty good. Either is fine if you can maintain, or output more than, half the fps / refresh rate I mentioned earlier. If you can’t maintain the fps, then Oculus 30HZ mode is perhaps the smoothest option.

  • another thing you can consider trying is to only use reprojection when needed (and disable the rest of the time for a smoother flight). For example this can be achieved via batch scripts with Oculus ASW and/or a program like Voice Attack.


When I permanently enable SSW, in Virtual Desktop on my Quest 3, I get a flickering/doubling up of images like a late-day sun or stars in the night sky, for example. It is definitely SSW that is at least in some way responsible, as disabling it removes the issue.

I’m currently making do with the “reduced”/native frame rate, with SSW disabled and will probably get into some heavy-duty head-scratching as to how I might be able to change other of my settings to be able to successfully activate it again. :slight_smile: