Settings up joystick / yoke on remote gaming setup with Moonlight / Parsec

Hey everyone!

Recently I moved my PC from my office to the living room to play games on my TV with a game controller. But because playing MSFS is more enjoyable with a joystick/yoke on an office chair I bought a mini PC to remote into my gaming PC.

I tried Parsec and Moonlight, both work great for the streaming part but I’m not able to use my joystick. It’s a Hotas 4 and I installed the drivers on my client machine.

Does anyone have experience with playing MSFS on a remote machine with a controller that is not a traditional game controller?

Thank you!

How far away are they? I would recommend some USB extenders, which can be done over Ethernet. That way you could have your Yoke/Joystick, even pedals, wherever you want.

There are many types, from the simple:|pcrid|426684131165|kword||match||plid||slid||product|CS33574|pgrid|100371159078|ptaid|pla-1876288849849|&CMP=KNC-GUK-CPC-SHOPPING-9262013734-100371159078-CS33574&s_kwcid=AL!5616!3!426684131165!!!network}!1876288849849!&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1tSCMdrHv5FGf74R1Mg0ItwrW3RvwMUSjLD_sNHkHiV-pulz0uieRRoCiQcQAvD_BwE

To more expensive ones that can support 2 or even 4 usb devices:


This i find a very use able idea, i had no idea it existed
Altough i have no use for this yet i might use it in the future.

Thanks for this hobanagerik

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We use them at work in testing booths where RF interference may be an issue. You can have the device being tested outside the booth, and use insulated Ethernet cable to bridge the gap.

i download an xbox controller emulator called xOutput. it works great unless you play from a web browser. (still knows your button mappings but idk how to unscript the normal xbox mappings) the app works nicely tho with my 2 X52’s