Settings with QPro and Q3 using Link (4th March 2024)

Just a short update. I’m now on V64 (headset and meta link pc app). Everything continues to work great with my posted settings. I also have updated my basically retired Q2 headset and tested this out with the same settings. While it’s kinda hard to go back to the Q2’s fresnel lens, it actually still works suprisingly well, lol!

Edit; I got a small msfs2020 update today and also a couple of world city updates as well. I tested all this out with my Q3 using Air Link and my QPro using Link, and all still works great.

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I have followed this post as have a very similar system so went along with the majority of the setting and have got great results. Clear cockpit and smooth motion. So thank you for taking the time to post your settings in such detail.

Not tried airlink yet as don’t really need to as happy to use a cable and keep the quest 3 charging.

Link works better than VD for me even when using a dedicated wifi6 router right next to the headset. Just seems clearer with link.

I’m getting 60-80 fps when unlocked but forcing 40fps with asw off using ODT as mentioned is smoother than without but i have noticed a couple of things which I’m surprised about.

  1. Live weather tanks my fps from 60-80 down to a steady 40 fps. Performance remains fine but I’m surprised it makes such a massive difference so not sure if other factors are at play?? If i set weather to amy weather type manually including cloudy, it makes little difference to my fps

  2. if i push the supersampling to anything above 1.2 in ODT (which i did try as had quite a bit of headroom) performance again drops to a steady 40fps and my rdr thread jumps from <10ms up to >30ms. My main thread and gpu timings are always at 10-15ms with ss at 1.2 or 1.3.

Anyway, thanks again sharing your settings, much appreciated.

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Ghosting is caused by DLSS. If you don’t like the ghosting, try TAA instead. But TAA renders higher resolution by default, so you probably need to downsize the resolution to get smooth FPS.

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Ya, TAA can give me slightly better cockpit clarity. As long as I add 1.20x super sampling (pixel density) dlss/balanced is almost as good, and I don’t have any problems reading cockpit instruments/switches.

Main thing I like about dlss is that significantly reduces scenery shimmering, esp. at night and the sim runs a little smoother. I’ve found that updating the dlss file to version 3.7 (as mentioned earlier) helps improve cockpit clarity a tiny bit as well, but not something you need to do imho. Same goes with forcing rebar and again this really isn’t necessary either.

Yes, the clarity of DLSS is actually not a problem with sumper sampling. I just can’t stand the black ghosting using DLSS, even with 3.7. Using TAA, I can be stable over 36FPS for 99% of the time, so I just stick with it now.

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Just a quick update.

I upgraded my Telstra Smart Modem 2 wifi5 router to a Telstra Smart Modem 3 wifi6 router yesterday. Using all the same settings I noticed a very nice improvement with Air Link. Bit better overall claity and very smooth/stutter-free performance.

I wasn’t expecting there to be that much difference since both are using a dedicated 5Ghz channel, but pleasently surprised how much better wifi6 is compared to wifi5. I still may look at a wifi6e (6Ghz) in the future once they are priced a lot lower. For now, wifi6 is fine, and I’ll probably use Air Link more often,

Hello, FPS is 70 without link but with virtual desktop and everything fully, except Taa replace with Dlss quality under FS, with a 2080 super 8GB, quest 2 (full resolution of the headset no oversampling) and a ryzen 7 5800 plus 32 Gb DDR4.

I think you would benefit without any worries from switching to virtual desktop instead of the cable link which does not pass 500 mbps whatever you do (expensive cable, big PCn cheat by forcing the 650 or 700 under oculus tools, I already have it fact, the limitation is software on the Oculus side) even though wifi 6 allows 1200 mbps without worries and without limitation… (but you obviously need wifi 6…).

I would add that with the Oculus Open XR you inevitably have pixelated edges in the headset, whereas with virtual everything is clear.

If I had a 4090, I would be in Taa and at full resolution! certainly not at 40 fps with average settings under FS??!!

I put here the 2 videos that I made under quest 2, with FS and with Project cars 2, all under virtual desktop, you will see the details that I see and the fluidity!

FS2020 + Quest 2 + Virtual desktop

Project Cars2 + Quest 2 + Virtual desktop

The cable I have on the headset is just plugged into a charger, otherwise in wifi 6 it lasts 01:00 on battery.

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Sounds like you’re doing very well with your rtx2080. Virtual Desktop using its VDXR runtime is a vey good wireless option. I’ve used it on and off for +4yrs. With the right settings I don’t honestly see any significant differences between it and Air Link. For me, both wireless systems work very well and it’s just a personal preference thing.

I still get slightly better results (beter distance clarity and lower latency) with my official link cable connected to my z790mb usb3.2 type c port using 650mbps encoding bitrate. Because of my higher end mb this maintains my Quest Pro at +80% charge for a very long time (+5-6hrs).

In any case, everypne’s systems are different so what works best for me may not work best for you imho. Cheers.

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Just another short update;

I got the latest v65 update (not PTC) today with my Q3 (v65.0.0.540.341), QPro (v65.0.0.557.341), and meta link pc app (v65.0.0.499.343). So far all seems to work very well with both Link (with my QPro) and Air Link (with my Q3). All same settings I’ve cited earlier except I have increased OLOD from 150 to 200 because it doesn’t seem to effect my performance and helps some distant objects pop in a little earlier.

Also using the latest nvidia driver 552.44 with DDU in safe mode to uninstall previous driver beforehand. This driver seems to be nice and stable with su14/dx11/Hags disabled. Cheers.

Another short update;

I don’t know if v65 or the latest nvidia driver has anything to do with this but I’ve now been able to increase my ODT pixel density (super sampling) to 1.25 plus use dlss/quality and am still getting a solid/smooth fixed 40fps. Plus as a bonus, my cockpit clarity has never looked so good, easily as good as I can ever get with TAA. I use the Oculus tray tool’s game profiles to make this all a lot easier but you can do the same editting ODT as well.

Also, updating my msfs core dlss file to dlss 3.7 may also have helped.

This sim has never looked better with my QPro using Link. Also works pretty darn good with my Q3 using Air Link and 200mbps Dynamic bittrate (hevc default). I still think my QPro w/Link looks a little better, esp. dawn/dusk flying thanks to its local dimming.

Anyway, I hope this all still works as well when su15 is finally rolled out (supposedly late next week). Cheers.

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Another very short update;

Since the SU15 official release, with the nvidia 552.44 driver, all’s still working very well.

Also, I did briefly try switching to Experimental DX12 but this did not have any positive results. As I’ve found in the past, it’s still a bit unstable, including the occasional msfs2020 startup PC hanging issues.

I hope you’ve all weathered the SU15 update as well.

Edit; I found I needed to go back to dlss/balanced and ODT pixel density (super sampling) = 1.20 in order to get the same smoother/stutter-free performance with SU15 that I got with SU14.

I also needed to recopy the dlss 3.7 version file since the update seemed to take it back to 2.5 version. So, no real performance inprovements with SU15, for me at least. Also, loading times seem to be taking about 15-30 seconds longer than SU15. No big deal but hardly the improvements I was expecting with apparently the last update this year, lol!

Another short update;

Got a 2nd v66 (non-beta) update on both my Q3 and QPro yesterday. Also a small msfs su15 update. All seems to be working great with the settings I’ve mentioned in my 1st post using Link at 650mbps encoding bitrate and Air Link at 200mbps Dynamic bitrate. Using nvidia 552.44 driver.

Edit; new nvidia 556.12 driver also seems to work fine, better than one’s after 552.44 imho.

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Thanks so much for your dedication on this thread :+1:
I found it sorted all my problems out and has given me an interest in the sim again.
My settings reset After SU15, I had spent an age getting it to a standard I liked through various posts and YT videos, your tips here has helped me no end, so thank you again.

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just want to share my Q3 link experience coming from a G2. Overall very happy but took me a bit.
5800x3d, 4080, 32gb
Using the debug tool performance monitor this are my favorite settings:
VR in sim mefuim/high, Dlss Quality. Q3 in 90Hz with 1.1 resolution, ODT all default, Sharpening in Quality, Dimming on, ASW off.
All I do then is to adjust the Pixel density (depending on which plane, airport, part of flight) to achieve 40 to 45 fps. Usually its between 1.7 to 2. Best picture quality for me after trying all kinds of settings. And also easy to make adjustments during the flight.
I was at first a bit hesitant about the Q3 but now I think its great headset, very versatile, great price, lots of other games.

subscribed for later

Oddly enough, I am now getting great FPS in VR when openXR toolkit is disabled. This is over the link cable on Q3 with DX12. When I enable openXR toolkit the fps and tearing gets pretty bad.

I’m not seeing any setting that should cause the FPS to get worse in the openXR toolkit overlay, but not complaining if things are just working better out of the box now.

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Override resolution?

Just another quick update;

I got the latest msfs2020 standard update today. Also, a 2nd Q3 update (v67.0.0.648.356) and QPr0 (v67.0.0.649.356), plus meta link PC update (v67. This, together with the latest win11 and nvidia updates, continues to work great with the settings mentioned in my initial post. Actually, everything looks and performs a tiny bit better now. Cheers.

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Another quick update;

Now have latest v68 update on my QPro (version v68.0.0.480.365) and meta-link pc app (v68.0.0.433.361), plus latest nvidia driver 560.70 (now rolled back to 552.44 because I started to get some win11 stability issues). All continues to work very well with the settings I originally posted.

I also updated the dlss file to version 3.7.20 manually but tbh there isn’t all that much in it versus the current msfs 3.4.2 version. Probably not all that worthwhile to muck around with this imho. Cheers.

I guess you’re not using OXRTK? Or have meta already dropped the hotfix?

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