Settings with QPro and Q3 using Link (4th March 2024)

These are my current best setting as of March 4th, 2024 that I’m currently using with both my Q3 and QPRo (v62) using Link. I currently prefer to use my QPro because it has a bit better colours/contrast/blacks but these all still look and work fine with my Q3. This is with my fairly high end PC with i9 13900k/rtx4090/32Gb 6400ram/Win11. I’m using the official link cable connected to my z790mb usb3.2 type-c port (2.4Gbps usb speed test). However, any decent usb3 link cable that gives you at least 2.2Gbps usb speed test should work fine. My Z790mb type-c port outputs enough power to allow for at least 5-6 hours runtime.

Meta Link PC app device graphics settings; 80Hz (my sweet spot) and res slider full right (1.4x), Settings/general tab/ oculus runtime set to default OpenXR.

ODT all default/zeros, except distortion = low, encoding bitrate = 650mbps. Higher bitrates can improve distance clarity a bit but these also increase latency and can cause some audio distortions. I think most would actually find 500mbps is fine, and anything above 450mbps results in no noticeable compression artifacts.

I use the Oculus Tray Tool (google to find it) to help fine tune game profiles, mainly super sampling and ASW modes. You can do the same manually with ODT. You can also turn off ASW manually with ctrl+num1 (numeric keyboard 1 not top row 1) and you can do this on the fly. With a msfs profile I set ASW mode = 45fps fixed with asw = off. You can do this manually on the fly with ctrl+num2

Nvidia; latest game ready driver (currently 551.61), using DDU in safe mode to fully uninstall previous drivers beforehand. Google how to do this. Also, custom clean install excluding Geoforce Experience. Up to you whether or not to use DDU. Some only use it if they seem to be having issues with nvidia driver updates.

Nvidia control panel global 3d settings all default, except power = prefer max performance, shader cache = 10Gb, and change Quality filtering default Quality to High Performance.

For Nvidia individual program settings, MSFS; AF= 16X. This itself should also auto change a couple of things like clamp = on and TF asf = off. Please remembor to apply/save these.

Win10/11 graphics disable hardware acceleration graphics (HAGS) and turn Game Mode off. You need to restart your PC for HAGS setting changes.

OK, now onto my current su14 non-beta msfs settings;

First thing I do is add 1.2x super sampling with OTT (you can do this with ODT pixel density = 1.20 (0 default). I add 1.2x SS to improve dlss cockpit clarity, while still getting the benefit of dlss smoothness and lower gpu temps. Also using stock dx11, not experimental dx12. If you don’t like dlss then TAA/80-100, without any super sampling, works fine, just not quite as smooth, to me anyway.

amd sharpening 100
reprojection off
low latency = off

Rest are set to Ultra initally and I then just change/lower a few of these;
TLOD 150
OLOD 150
shadow Maps 1536
Terrain Shadows 512
Cubemap Reflections 128
trees, grass and shrubs Med
clouds High
AF = 0 (already added 16x in nvidia CP)
Texture SS 4x4
water waves Med
contact shadowing High
windsheild effects Med
ambient occlusions Med
glass cockpit refreash Lo
Rest = High, and Bloom On

Rest of Msfs setting you can finetune, depending how/where you fly. I use 10% traffic and 30Gb rolling cache.

With all this I’m getting a nice smooth 40fps with good clarity, and about 60ms total latency. Also, please note that I’m not using OpenXR Toolkit because since upgrading from an i99900k/rtx3090 to an i913900k/rtx4090 I haven’t seen any significant benefits in using this anymore.

For those with weaker desktop gaming PC’s, say a rtx3080-4070, you should be able to use most of these settings by lowering the meta link PC app device refresh rate to 72Hz and move the res slider a few notches left of full right. With MSFS settings, lower the TLOD and OLOD down to 100, maybe even 50-80 with TLOD.

My main mode of flying is with heli’s, low and slow, in cities like Tokyo, Osaka, LA, and NYC. I mainly fly dusk-to-dawn with the few clouds weather option. Also, all cities are 3rd party enhanced from the msfs marketplace and also all have night lighting enhancements apps.

Bonus Section - Wireless PCVR with Air Link.

I also get very good results with Air Link using exactly the same settings. Except I change the ODT encoding bitrate = 0. In the meta link PCVR dashboard I set bitrate to 200mbps Dynamic bitrate. Overall, this works very well. Distant objects are not always quite as clear and/or they pop in a litle later. I also see some minor compression artifacts in clouds. Total latency is about 7-10ms higher than I get with a Link cable but TBH this doesn’t seem to make any significant difference in how smooth the sim runs.

Currently I’m only using my QPro wired with a link cable for all my flight/racing sims and I use my Q3 for pretty well everything else; standalone VR/MR and wireless PCVR with Air Link. I’m using the Q3 Elite battery strap. I find this very comfortable and it gives me all the runtime I need (3-4hrs). I should note that I got a free replacement strap from Meta (latest Dec/2023 batch) and this now works perfectly. My preordered strap (box dated Aug/2023) often failed to connect properly. Meta support was very good at replacing this and I didn’t even need to send them back my original strap.

I have a pretty standard 1gig router/wifi5 setup which is 2-3m away from my play area and Ethernet wired to my PC. I use a dedicated 5Ghz channel (ch36/80mhz in my case) and I am the only 5Ghz user in my home. Other users/devices are kicked to 2.4Ghz with band steering disabled. When 6e routers come down in price a bit more I’ll probably buy one. I don’t believe this will significantly improve my wireless PCVR performance. The VD developer has told me that in my case to only expect 2-3ms less overall latency. The main reason I’ll do this is to allow other home users/devices to use 5Ghz.

Anyway, I hope that some will find this information useful. Good luck mates and best cheers.

Editted adding few # settings I forgot to mention like Shadow Maps, Terrain Shadows, and Cubemap Reflections.


Also, although my Q2 is basically retired I tested this out with the same settings and also got very good resutls. Nowhere close to Q3 and QPro clarity, but still very playable imho.

Sorry, can’t help but nitpick here. Forgive me.

Rear projection is what they used in old movies when they filmed closeups of people driving in cars. They would put the actors in a car in front of a screen, and a projector behind the screen would cast the moving road on the screen, resulting in the extremely convincing* illusion of the actors driving. (* especially when the steering wheel was handled with vigor!)

What we use in VR is reprojection, ie. project the same scene again for an updated headset position.

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@aurel42de Ya, I’ll try to forgive you for going off topic, lol! If you ‘need’ to know the differences with all the different PCVR projection/smoothing methods, please do a little googling.

The reprojection (ya, not rear projection, lol!) I mentioned is the msfs2020 setting option (= off, depth, depth+). This is it’s own smoothing method that works ok if you’re getting at least 1/2 your refresh rate FPS. Up to you if you want to use this ot not. I no longer see any benefit in using it. All it does for me now is increase latency a little bit (~5ms). Easy to turn it on/off to find which way you prefer it set.

Aside and Off Topic; I believe you use a Valve index so I don’t think that any of my Oculus/Meta settings are applicable. I also run a native SteamVR DP wired Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod, and Index controllers. I use the same nvidia, windows, and msfs settings. With SteamVR I use global visuals manually (not auto) to 100% and then adjust per app msfs to 350% (I can go as high as 500% but this doesn’t improve much, just starts to add more latency). Like adding SS to my Quest headsets, this improves my cockpit clarity using dlss/balanced. I also disable SteamVR advanced super sample filtering because I find it tends to make distant objects a little blurry. Also motion smoothing = off.

I suggest you start a separate Valve Index/Native SteamVR headset settings thread if you want to discuss this further. Bye and cheers.


Rear projection:


Rear projection:


Ya, ok you got me mate, my mistake. I should have called the msfs setting Reprojection, not rear projection. I’ll edit my posts accordingly, thanks.

Don’t know why I always thought the setting was rear projection. I just turned 70 so I’ll blame it on a senior moment, lol! Cheers…


Has anyone tried the latest version of Link that was updated? I haven’t had a chance yet but seems there were some substantial changes so hopeful they have also make improvements.

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Ya, since the latest v62 update Meta has made improvements to Link stability, reliability and battery efficiency. Also applies to Air Link as well.

I have noticed that my QPro with official Link cable seems to start up a lot faster and my z790mb usb 3.2 type-c port seems to maintain my headset battery a lot longer. Yesterday I flew msfs for ~2.5hrs and my headset battery was still around 90%.

So much for those Reddit kiddies who are always saying that Meta has thrown PCVR to the curb, lol! I’ve finally given up posting anything on Reddit because of those silly little kiddies.

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Cool, will give it another whirl over the coming days.

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I’d just like to say Thank you, Sunlitalpaca141!

First time in Vr that settings finally seem to work for me in a helicopter… never before have i caressed rocks so precariously with tremendous speeds and exhilleration… In other words, yeah, i did some dodgy low flying in between hills and slopes just north east of China Lake AFB. But honestly, thanks for the thorough explanation, i’ve been fiddling with this vr headset (Q2) for quite a while, and so far i wasn’t able to nail proper settings, even after having the 1080 replaced with a 4070 Super… Now it’s starting to all make sence. It’s not 100% there, but i’m fine with the 97% you’ve just gave me (and others) hints to. :wink: Still a bit of an awkward stutter when jabbing the rudders too hard, but i’m fine with that. Thanks m8!

Woof ~ Woof & ~SAlute!~


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Thanks for your overview and testing results, the comment on rear projection just made me lol, I know what you meant, keyboard warriors…

I’m hoping to enhance my experience. I had the g2 up until a few weeks back but the cable went bad and I had a spare quest 3 with link cable so been tweaking that.

I’ve got a 13700k, 4090, 32gb ddr4 ram with 4tb m.2. I have managed to get early 30 fps with dlss quality and dx11 with hags on, I have also not increased super sampling but have increased pixel density in the debug tool to 2.6! This results in a very sharp image particularly in oxrtk setting that sharpening of cas 100%.

I’m going to trial it later without oxrtk and see what I can get setting the headset to 80hz max out the render resolution then set maybe 1.5 in pixel density. I think it may result in a higher FPS if it’s not got to process the sharpening element.

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@benjit7 Pixel density setting in ODT is the same as super sampling with OTT. If you were setting ODT pixel density to 2.6, that equals 2.5xSS. Way too much SS no matter what your other settings were. I’m surprised you even got 30fps and I’d hate to think what your latency was, lol!

If I were you, since we have pretty well the same PC setup, I’d try following all my settings to the letter and see how you make out. Up to you of course, but if you only try some settings, without the others, you won’t get the best overall results imho. Good luck mate and cheers.

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Tried your settings to see how it would look but not as sharp and got a lower fps (20s)

These are my settings with 2.5 in odt.
Default SS on 80hz in oculus desktop.
FPS now 30s

I do like oxrtk particularly for the sunglasses, I just find it too bright when I turn them off for day flights anyway.

Looks sharp but not over sharpened, I have to manually turn off asw after I load in or get tearing, other than that smooth.

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What you seem to perceive as “abusive or aggressive” was intended to be the equivalent of pointing out to someone at a party that they have spinach stuck between their teeth. I noticed that the OP was consistently using an incorrect technical term in separate threads and we’ve had interactions before, so IMHO it would have been rude not to mention it.

When I’m wrong or when I’ve got something stuck between my teeth, I’d appreciate if someone would let me know, because I feel I can’t talk with authority about spinach cultivation while people stare at my teeth.

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If all you got was 20’s fps then you didn’t use ALL my settings imho. Without ASW I can easily get 45-55fps low flying a heli in cities like Osaka, NYC, and Tokyo. I force this to 40FPS with OTT/ODT 45fps forced (= 1/2 refresh rate = 40fps for me) with ASW = off in order to provide smoother, more consistent results. In any case, if you’re happy with your results, that’s great. Cheers.

@aurel42de Thanks for letting me know I had spinach stuck in my teeth mate, lol! I never have any problems being corrected, so thanks again and cheers.

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Yeah, this isn’t really stutter as such, its more of a ghosting/doubling effect when turning. My MSFS is really running optimally, I just can’t seem to find a solution to this one thing. I don’t believe this is related to bottlenecking or FPS issues.

I’m on this thread as I come back from holiday end of march and my recent g2 wouldn’t connect, the cable went kaput. That was working fine but decided I was going to make the move to the quest 3 as I had it anyway.

If you are getting that when you’ve got the headset on try going into odt and turning off asw again, I get similar to what you experience before turning that off.

I do have bat files I run with a link to the desktop to automate the process in one click which makes it a bit easier when moving the headset up to do it. :grin:

Sorry mate but I have no idea what you are talking about regarding bat files. I have’t used OpenXR Toolkit for a long time now btw. If you have a rtx4080/4090 it adds nothing imho.

All I do is startup my Q3/QPro, then plugin my link cable which then gives me a notification, then select Link, then Rift Link. My meta link pc app then starts up. I then selsct the desktop icon, then msfs shortcut, and when this opens up on my desktop, I hit the semi-fullscreen top right button (otherwise my mouse doesn’t properly select the desktop options). Then I press the buttons to to go into VR mode and hot the space bar (or what I’ve set as my recenter with my flight sticks).

With my nvidia CP, meta link pc app device, msfs, and win10/11 graphics settings, this all works perfect, for me anyway, and I no longer need to fool around with any of these anymore.

Also, many of your nvidia settings, like fast sync and latency, are not even applicable to PCVR with a Q3. Adding 1.2x SS greatly improves cockpit clarity with dlss/balanced to almost as good as I can get with TAA. Plus it does so with a lot less distant image flashing and stuttering.

Also, 28fps, even with maybe sharper images is not worth it for low flying with a heli on cities because it just causes a lot of yaw stutters.

If you are not prepared to go all in with my settings then don’t expect the same results.

The only minor improvements (mainly better cockpit clarity) I’ve used since these recommendation is to add the dlss 3.7 file (manually, not with the unnecessary dlss swaper addon) and enable Rebar as per this YT video using nvidia inspector. I haven’t seen any improvements adding the xlm tweek/hack to nivia profiler because adding 1.2x ss ahead of this more or less does the same thing. That is, it makes nvidia dlss already consider my native resolution to be higher anyway, so already gives me an ultra dlss imho.

Anyway, up to you to decide whether or not to try ALL of these and if you find better ones work well for you, that’s great mate.

I have put these settings out because they work the best for me, after quite a bit of experimenation. I haven’t intended to need to defend them. So, I’ll sign off this thread for now, unless I see any further significant improvements. Bye and best cheers.

I turned off frame throttling in autofps and tried the same thing with openxr toolkit and the shadowing/doubling effect when turning seems considerably better.

Fair enough, that’s the strange things about pc set ups what works for one doesn’t in another. I tried your settings to the T and cannot get it looking as sharp or running as smooth. I can put my DLSS to balanced and that gets me into late 30s fps. Choppers look good. ATB

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