Severe artefacts only when flying at night

I have Reverb G2 and fly with motion reprojection enabled in openxr tool. Everything is fine when flying during a day but at night the game is almost unplayable. When the sky is pitch-black motion reprojection goes crazy. I see two images of the sky, instead of one (duplicated stars). It looks like my PDI was way off. At the same time the cockpit looks perfectly fine. But what is even stranger is when I turn dome lights in the cockpit all the issues disappear and even the sky looks fine. I checked several planes and it’s the same across all of them. It seems like MR does not handle dark scenes very well.

Is anyone else experiencing it?

I tried to capture it on MR Portal. Hopefully you can see what I am talking about.

Turning off NVIDIA Optical Flow Acceleration cures the triple star issue.

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Sounds familiar. I’ve been experiencing it for a few months now, but I rarely fly at night so didn’t have many opportunities to do testing.

edit. I am glad you mentioned Open XR Tools. I’ve just turned off “preview OpenXR runtime” and it’s much better now!

By the way stars are awful in MSFS. Instead of algorithmically generated point light sources with small tint of color at infinity, they are just a texture on a sphere quite close to the viewer, closer than for example some distant hills. They are not point light sources but texture blobs. It’s not so noticeable in 2D view, but in VR the stars are just awful.