Severe Problems on Xbox After Sim Update 9

Yes it is since SU9 Patch and clearing the reserved space does no improvement.

After each start of the Sim, I’m now waiting till the new regular download is finished. Then I start the world map and I have to wait ~15 sec. This also occured, before I reinstalled the WUs due to the clearing of the reserved space.

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You know the other day I forgot to quit and started using Resume. To my surprise tween I started up the lag wasn’t there to the same extent. Deliberately did same today with same result… going to try one more time on Resume just in case it’s was a server issue and a coincidence rather than me starting from Resume… anyone else tried this recently and had same experience?

You console guys i get your frustration i really do, I paid more than 2 times what you paid for your xbox on a graphics card

SU9 on PC is working great (for me), Not everyone tho…When this got released on Xbox us PC players had nothing but problems what ever Sim update that was

Just saying, Peace

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I have had it on quick resume since installing 6 months ago, apart from the times it needed a reboot.

Last week it was not bad but stuttering a fair bit, today it was smooth as silk, best its been since before SU8.

I’ll try some more tomorrow to see if its a fluke or not.

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Flying the 747 from KSFO to PHNL.

I’m around 450 NM out from PHNL and the displays have gone black.

I have never, ever seen this. I know the bug has existed for quite some time, but I’d never experienced it. Can’t say that anymore!

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That’s madness!

I feel for you. :confounded:

I went from 375hrs to zero but the main page says next level 400hrs, like some kind of sick joke. I have 20hrs again. Lol


Yep I experienced that for the very first time yesterday after landing, it’s like all the long running bugs are all appearing for us in this update, bonkers.

I mourn with you. I lost my logbook the first time at 96 hrs. Now I’m stuck at 73 hrs because I’ve been losing almost all entries since SU9. The statistics say I have 241 hrs. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

For this I may have now found a workaround by signing out the gamertag and wait till the press button promt before quit FS.

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How do I know if the bad turbulence bug has been logged or if anybody has reported it to the Zdesk or Dev’s…?

I can’t stand it anymore. I want to fly during afternoon hours but I can’t because the turbulence is uber annoying.

This needs to be addressed !

I also recently lost my records of all my bush trips i had completed. There all set back to 0% completed after sim update 8 (not 9)

I have to check the assists/realism to see if turbulence or wind effects can be turned off

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I rated mfs 2020 on Microsoft xbox store 5stars ( before SU 9 ). Now i have these same issues mentioned above. I have turned from a happy puppy, to an old frustrated ■■■■. Please, ( pleeeease :crossed_fingers: Asobo fix this Bug ASAP ). Thank you​:cry:

There isn’t.

I don’t think it’s a bug.actually - it’s just a physics based model of turbulence which in a lot of places doesn’t correspond with reality. When you implement an environmental model - especially true of atmosphere- in a simulator, it’s pretty much impossible to have it correspond to real life - - the question to answer is always about the errors. Normally you get around this by allowing the user to tune the effect to align with their real world experiences - or to switch in on/off. So I guess this is really a feature request? But it’s an essential feature for sure, in my view.

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For now the way I tune this is to select my flying time carefully-for short flights it works - so in south UK I find that around 1800 gives a much more realistic turbulence UX. but it’s not always convenient or easy to set the time for a longer duration flight. It’s only a crude workaround but it works.

Had some really odd behaviour on M.S.F.S through the night, whilst in autopilot twice the plane just suddenly nosed dive and plummeted to the ground, only way to rescue the situation was to turn on AI piloting until it rectified its self, then when on an ISL landing just as I was about to press the approach button, it turned the other way and crashed, never experienced that before

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For those of you that have lost many flying hours I’m genuinely gutted for you.


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I was pretty annoyed at first but really it’s a first world problem, the are much worse things than resetting a counter. At the moment I’d be happy to lose the counter entirely if it solved the frequent CTD.


Just when you think the game is playable it kicks you in the…

Had two successful flights yesterday, no issues whatsoever. This morning I’ve attempted two flights, one CTD as I was sat in the dark cockpit ready to do the start up procedure. The second time the world map was laggy and another CTD.

What did they actually “fix” with the update last week…?