Share Your Flight Simulator Weirdness Sightings!

Just for fun and laughs, share some of the weirdness you’ve seen in Flight Simulator.

I just finished a long cross country and posted a bunch of pretty screenshots from it. But here are some of the weirder moments.

Some dastardly villain painted the ground to look just like a an airport, luring in unsuspecting pilots from the air:

And the trap they set is a tree right in the middle of the runway:

Pretty sure it was this guy:



Somebody is having a bad day:

“Almost Perfect” …almost

“Hey this is an active taxiway, not a highway!”:

Maybe this is something like those ceiling fans that look like airplanes crashing through the roof:

And the award for ugliest airport layout goes to:


I took these images of Andre the Giant around July 2021. Don’t know if it still happens now… :joy:


That’s actually quite terrifying. But I could see him being a really useful ramp worker. Who needs a tug when you can just pick up the airplanes? And what is it with the ramp guys? They’re either giants, invisible, have black eyes. it’s like fairytale land.

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