RNAV 09 Poprad-Tatry Airport (LZTT)
Murky flight around sites used for the film ‘Local Hero’ Really should repeat the flight with all the updates and some better weather.
Haven’t flown the ATR since the update. Was merrily reaquainting myself and things were working out fine, when, no engine start (found out, after some serious searches that one should NEVER hit the ‘cold and dark’ button on the new EFB.)
There was some rain at LFPO, and I was looking forward to a great flight. Still, today was a learning process.
Another proof that the Black Square airplanes are the best and most detailed and most sophisticated airplanes ever released for any simulator!
In all other planes when you open a window the glass surface just keeps showing rain falling onto the glass even inside the cockpit.
But not in the absolute superior and ultra-sophisticated Black Square airplanes, when you open a window here it renders no rain falling on it while open just like it should be:
No opening doors and windows?
Yes the door is static and cannot be opened with kinda destroys immersion a little bit, I am still hoping that in one of the updates a nice 3D door will be added.
But that small window hole can be opened
And it´s the only plane which realistically removes the falling raindrops on the glass while the window is open!
And I love awesome details and when things look correct and immersive and don´t look physically impossible and “gamey”
(I don´t know if this word even exists *g, it describes physically impossible things and small details that are plain wrong so what you see on the screen always remind you: this is just a game or simulation because all the small details are always ignored, this is just a game or simulation because all the small details and “lesser” functions are always ignored and not proper taken care of…)
But this problem does not happen in the awesome Black Square planes!
That´s why I am even more happy when I see small details (the details no one else cares) functioning like the real deal for that big plus in immersion and realism.
The beacon and strobes of the Black Square Bonanza is illuminating the downpour and snow.
For the blink of an eye you see the rain or snow around the plane flashing up red because of the beacon:
Getting comfortable for a nice night on Lower Loon Creek while the park heater furnace is running in the Black Square Beechcraft Baron, and the rain calmly drips on the windows and the roof…
I hope the doors come. Great precipitation shots, too.