Share your Round the World tour!

Hello simmers!

I started a Round the World some days ago. It would be nice if you share your world trip with the community to gain some ideas or suggestions about nice routes to fly

Below is my route with the map included.
Blue line = leg completed
Red line = leg yet to do

Queenstown - Sydney complete
Sydney - Brisbane complete
Brisbane - Cairns complete
Cairns - Denpasar
Denpasar - Jakarta
Jakarta - Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur - Yangon
Yangon - Dhaka
Dhaka - Hyderabad
Hyderabad - Colombo
Colombo - Mumbai
Mumbai - Karachi
Karachi - Dubai
Dubai - Sanaa
Sanaa - Mogadishu
Mogadishu - Dar Es Salaam
Dar Es Salaam - Antananarivo
Antananarivo - Maputo
Maputo - Cape Town
Caoe Town - Windhoek
Windhoek - Luanda
Luanda - Libreville
Libreville - Abidjan
Abidjan - Dakar
Dakar - Casablanca
Casablanca - Madrid
Madrid - Paris CDG
Paris CDG - Manchester
Manchester - Dublin
Dublin - Reykjavik
Reykjavik - Oslo
Oslo - Warshaw
Warshaw - Moscow DME
Moscow DME - Bucharest
Bucharest - Milan
Milan - Tunis
Tunis - Athens
Athens - Cairo
Cairo - Kuwait
Kuwait - Tehran
Tehran - Lahore
Lahore - Kathmandu
Kathmandu - Chengdu
Chengdu - Guangzhou
Guangzhou - Shanghai
Shanghai - Beijing
Beijing - Seoul Incheon
Seoul Incheon - Tokyo Haneda

The first day i started my A320 at Bromma Airport (Stockholm) and did my first stopover at Gibraltar for the night. Passed Barcelona on the way down.

Flew to Kap Verde, was gonna go to the Azores, but nope.

Woke up and proceeded to Fortaleza (Brazil), but landed on the wrong runway. Some factory instead of international airport. Didn’t even notice until i was on the runway and thought what a weird airport :smiley:

Took off the next day and flew over Trinidad for the view, then headed for Curacao, but ended up at Queen Beatrix airport Aruba. Whatever, I’m progressing around the planet.

The next day i flew over Cancun to see what it looked like then landed at Lowe Field, Dallas. Made it before the sun went down.

Proceeded the next day to Oakland airport because - well, it is less laggy than KSFO.

Now came the pacific, water followed by water and then water. As a big fan of “Test Drive unlimted”, i had to see Hawaii where i let my bird rest for the night. Saw someone fly over the pacific without time accelleration (I fly long distances at x4 btw, still takes lots of time).

The next day i saw more water while heading to Fiji where i did an approach from the south west to avoid the mountains at Nadi airport.

New day - i went on to Australia. Brisbane with a flyover of Fraziers Island.

I now changed from the A320 to the Cessna Citation Longitude after i heard some guy on this forum talk about his experiences. So i took it on a cross continent flyover to Perth, but i landed in a complete soup. Finally saw the runway at < 1000 feet and landing was much easier with the Longitude than with the 320.

From Perth on to Singapore. Not much to say, except i flew through a storm near Summatra, and the left engine suddenly died, i de-iced it got it started again, i then proceeded to Changi Airport where i could change to a clean set of underwear. Weather looks nice, but it got worse.

Skipping Thailand because i just wanted to get this over with, i headed towards Dubai, with a flyover of Mumbai. Dubai looked familiar from DCS World and i had no problem going VFR to the airport over the desert.

After taking off from Dubai i flew over Saudi Arabia, and after leaving the middle east Israel), i approached Europe and my penultimate destination: Athens, i almost made it before nightfall, but the night landing i did there was pretty and made up for it.

Decided to take a scenic route back to Sweden and flew over Pompei, Venice, Berlin and then headed up towards Sweden again.

Vesuvius. And somewhere down there the city of Pompei. Why people still live there is a mystery to me…

What was known as the City state of Venice

Almost home!!

This is not something i think I’m gonna do again…

Total time, approximately 28 hours, ~2 hours a day, longest leg was 3 hours @ x4 time acceleration over the pacific towards Hawaii.

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I just completed mine on a Citation Longitude. It was a lot of fun.

Plenty of pictures here :smiley: Flying Around the World in a Cessna Citation - #64 by Abriael

^ The guy who told me about his round the world trip in a Longitude.

I hope it was a nice trip. I’m glad i changed to CCL, and not just because of the recent APU/Left engine bug.

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