Sharp brown/green boundary on mountain textures (see screenshot)

Does anyone know what this sharp brown/green boundary is in the texture on the mountain? This is near KSLC, but I’ve seen it elsewhere in the US as well on mountains.

Try taking off from Charleston, WV and flying around that area. It’s really bad.

Satellite imagary from different sources.

Take off from KDEN and fly towards the Rocky Mountains and it’s really bad. Very sharp line from normal to a deep black.

I’ve also noticed the more overly green cartoonish trees since SU15. I was flying a group flight with a streamer on twitch, their sim looked great with the brown yellow trees and fields. Mine was the overly green cartoon colors. (Not sure if they had a seasons addon or what.)

It’s my belief that they reduced all the satellite data for performance reasons. Trails on mountains in Idaho or the Swiss alps that used to be sharp clear path lines are now soft blurry lines. Trees that used to be on hills are completely removed or have been replaced with offline like textures. They did all this conscientiously. They downgraded the current sim so severely now we have to get 2024.

Not to throw a cat among the pigeons, but it sounds to me (from various threads around here) like SU15 downgraded the sim so it’d work better on Xbox, rather than to force us to get MSFS2024.

That was the goal. Unfortunately not the case.

From Series S to Series X to PC. The entire sim has been downgraded and doesn’t have the fidelity it did 3 years ago. Even PC members are stating their LOD set at 400 looks more like it’s at 150. I think the sim has been completely bloated and unrecognizable from what it was. Some say it’s addons. Some say it’s servers. Some say it’s all the SU and Avionics updates. The fact is it’s not running better, even if the performance numbers are stating the most stable build ever. What’s the point of it running smoother if it’s ugly to look at?

We’ve been told it’s the same simulator for Xbox and PC over and over. We were never told of the memory allocation issues they were dealing with. I knew my series x wasn’t as capable in addons, peripheral choice, vatsim and other connected programs. But I thought we were on some what of an even playing field with the vanilla sim. Is this the case with 2024? Are we still on the same sim? Or are all of us going to be reduced to the lowest common denominator the series s?

The fact is this update made the scenery TLOD/LOD significantly worse for the sake of performance. They failed miserably and now we are expecting yet another beta before the fall to try and fix the problems they created.

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I first started to notice this about a year ago. Sedona Arizona looked awful. It seems to be fixed now as I took a flight there this weekend. So not sure if it’s a blend of offline maps or new bing maps data or the regression of the sim. But something is going on with these brown life like trees and the cartoon green trees. Images in post below.