Shazam! Got VR to work with Oculus Quest 2

After much reading and trials and errors, I got the VR to work with my Oculus Quest 2. this is what I did.

  1. Installed the Oculus App on my PC.
  2. Made sure that OpenXR was pointed in the right direction in my REG. c:\program Files\Oculus\support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json (Mine was already set to that)
  3. Activated Public View on the BETA tab and downloaded and installed the BETA software.
  4. Set my Oculus Quest 2 to accept un-recognized system (forget the real name of the switch)
  5. Selected my monitor view within Oculus.
  6. Started up FS 2020 once I got to flight mode. Toggled to VR and there I was. I was able to toggle back and forth too. You notice that it is in VR mode when you see duplicate images of the cockpit on your screen. When you put on the VR Headset it all become on VR view.

The only issue that I had was that I got a little motion sickness. I’ll have to figure out how to deal with that. Also, I need to figure out how to activate switches, etc. in VR mode. I do have my Joystick memorize as to button controls but there are some item that takes the mouse or keyboard to control.

I hope I didn’t leave anything out. Not sure how different the Oculus Quest 2 is from the Oculus Rift.


The motions sickness goes away after a little while of playing the sim. Its like your mind just needs a little time to adjust to this sensory new experience. When I first started playing VR in the sim even doing a slight bank turn made my stomach turn. Now I can fly low level in Euro Fighter Typhoon and I don’t get any motions sickness at all.

My advice is to begin with stick to the medium sized slower turning aircraft so the cockpit is filling quite a lot of your field of view. The smaller planes are the worst I find. My favourite is the Beechcraft King Air 350i. You get amazing sense of depth and scale in VR looking out at this huge turbo prop just out the window.

Practice :slight_smile:

Yep. No problem anymore

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