Shimmering/AA downgrade since SU5 (in-game, not menus/overlays)

Nope. Don’t expect solid improvements if you ask me. Even they couldn’t fix a basic simple but major mouse cursor issue since SU5. Are you still hoping they are going to fix shimmer and AA problems in short time :slight_smile: They even didn’t clearly identify it except rooftop shimmer. Whole scenery shimmering with all aspects but they couln’t see it ! AA is sucks but they repeatedly say TAA is perfect. Whatever. Just my two cents :slight_smile:

Kind regards.


Do rendering things like this get rewritten for dx12 or not? If so maybe they are focusing on getting it right in that version?

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I wish it’s the situation but why not sharing this with people here ? It’s been months from SU 5 and we deserve some SOLID explanations what is going around. Not some workaround type statements full of “ııgh aaghhh we will look into it we can’t reproduce” etc. I know I am a bit of far from being kind or positivity but after more than a year it is unacceptable to have this sort of problems for so long without PROPER CLEAR explanations. That xbox love hindered our sim. That’s a fact. Anyway, I hope it’s all related to their work on DX12 but from the last QA it looked to me from their mimics that DX12 will be another major setback for a while. Just give back the nonshimmering proper working AA back first guys and look at these horrible clouds essentially.

Kind regards.


Exactly. I miss the proper VR. I have a 3090 and a brand new cpu, 32 gb ran and a pimax 8kx headset . VR IS NOT THERE YET

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If Xbox was going to impact/affect and dumb down PC graphics it would have been best to have PC gaming be left untouched… but the greed for money is why this is happening. It’s sacrificed a lot of quality.

Precisely. 32gb ram 8 in use. Microsoft only ever wanted to push Xbox sales. Conflict of interest. This is why we also don’t have simple wide fov support for VR. Prove me wrong Microsoft. Asobo throw off your overlords!

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Hey guys, I found something interesting today in a YouTube video comparison between the 12900K and the 10900K. I was browsing the video for performance differences in terms of FPS, but then I noticed what we’ve been looking for.

Check this out:



The shimmering is clearly evident in the photos and in the video for the 10900K. The 12900K however does not exhibit the same behavior.

Please check out the timestamps 6:55 and 7:18. Watch in highest resolution and in full-screen to clearly see it.

Could this be a hint that the problem is a CPU issue? The user in the video shows that his AA setting for both comparisons is set to High.

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Probably the render res or the render window is changed…possibly in the steamvr settings. You could determine this in the dev mode comparing those two aspects in the top right corner of the fps counter


VR?? really now? This isn’t a VR benchmark…

Here are some pictures of Pilot Plus Bristol Airport. This is what I see in VR with in-sim and OpenXR set to 100. Pardon the lower quality capture but the shimmering/shaking ruins it for me. I don’t use MSFS right now because of this. Objects like building windowsills and parked planes near and far quiver during the day and the parking lot lights flicker at night. It’s hard to capture in a screenshot but I assure you it looks 10x worse in VR. I can’t understand why the developers say they can’t see this. I have a G2 and RTX 3090 on a 5800x with 32 GB RAM and 1 TB M.2. It looks like the Oculus DK1. I seriously doubt the Varjo Aero would make any difference with the quivering. I’m hoping someone will let us know by testing it with AA off. When I turn TAA on, the parking lot lights disappear which I don’t consider a good compromise. I had my G2 sitting on a table completely stationary when I took these shots.

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I am also facing this shimmering/flickering at distant objects suddenly after SU6 and yesterday I updated the optional quality update windows 10(20H1 something like that) and updated all app in MS store also . After that in VR (HP Reverb) it improved a lot and looks not bad.

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My Windows 10 has kept up with all updates. There are no optional ones listed except to upgrade to Windows 11. So the video clips I posted are after these optional updates were apparently already applied.

Yep that’s the close-range shimmer, nicely captured. I get this too and it’s annoying. Not as much as the shimmer on autogen buildings and trees at mid-distance though…!

20H1 sounds old, I’m already on 21 something. Are you sure it’s not placebo?

Will the developer fix the shimmer bug, especially on the autogen buildings in the next simupdate? Hope we will get an answer. Seb said in the last Q&A that they have seen the shimmer at the buildings. So let us hope that it will be fixed in the next update. Perhaps we can get an answer Jane? @Jummivana

I don’t see this shimmering/shaking in anything else I’ve tried in VR, only MSFS 2020.

I don’t exactly remember the name ,20H1 or 20H2. I also put the lowest setting for cube map reflection and ray marched reflection in setting. I think it is associated with reflections since It is apparent at certain time depends on the sun’s position.

BUILDINGS. TREES and GRASS in MEDIUM instead of HIGH or ULTRA means improved brightness / aliasing

Yeah it’s maybe slightly better but still awful. I’ve taken to mainly flying at dusk now as certain areas are just intolerable in brighter lighting conditions. Just one big shimmering autogen mess

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