Should all flights visible on FlightRadar be showing up with Live Traffic on, including GA traffic?

I fly in the Bay Area typically in the sim. However I barely see any planes despite having live traffic on. There’s very active GA traffic with NTSB on at KSQL and KPAO yet I never see any GA traffic around these airports, let alone all the live traffic I see on my phone.

Is this expected behavior? Does live traffic only capture big airliners?

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I suspect you wanted to write ADSB instead of NTSB :slight_smile: and unfortunately, the Live traffic feature based on Flightaware display a very limited number of traffic and no GA small airplanes.

Today an alternative is to use AIG and its injector and a small trick to activate Offline AI to generate GA only without interfering with the liners only generated by AIG: Adding GA flights with AIG traffic - #9 by PhantomStreak

Ack, yes, very different abbreviation! So using your method, is there a way to say, get like GA 5 planes in the pattern at a given field?

5 in the pattern is a little bit optimistic for this trick. You’ll see GA departing and coming at least.

Sign my name to any petition to increase traffic, AI or Live, I don’t really care but the airports and skies are empty.

Back in the day when my dad had his license and we flew every week out of the local, uncontrolled airport (s50 south of Seattle) we constantly had our heads on a swivel to be on the lookout for other planes and they were EVERYWHERE.

Base/Vanilla FS2020 desperately needs more traffic, full stop.

Will it show live airliners and AI GA then?

Yes (if you mean AIG + the trick to add “GA flights with AIG traffic”)

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So I’ll ask a silly question…if I mostly fly GA (in the Bay Area, with tons of SFO, OAK, SJC airliner traffic but equally a ton of GA traffic), is the system resource overhead of AIG worth it for me? I’m rarely if ever flying out of big airports. Will it be a big hit to performance?

Also, I’m confused, do I just need AI Manager? Or Traffic Controller? It is unclear what each does and if I need one or both.