Should the folders look like this?

Having severe problems with joysticks settings only being saved from time to time. Also getting random sensitiviy settings on upstarts. Also map savings not saved.

Could this be the issue?

(mod edit:)

For that path, yes.

Are you trying to find something in particular?

I’m having a lot of problems with my sensitivity settings not beeing saved (or with random settings), as well as map filter settings not saved. I though deleting all controller settings might help for the first part, and I guessed for the second part, these settings were in here as well.

But what to delete - and what will be deleted?

I have no idea about the sensitivity settings being saved issue, but, for example, to always have World Map Filters TYPE_NAVAID and TYPE_RNAV_FIX always ON by default, I opened \Official\OneStore\fs-base\worldmap\WorldmapFilters.XML with Notepad, changed both values from OFF to ON and saved the file. This keeps those settings between sim updates. Sim updates usually overwrite that file so I have to edit that XML file after updates.

That path is for the MS Store version.

Instead of manually deleting files, try using the profile manager in the controller settings. You should be able to delete saved profiles from there.

This, otherwise the profiles are loaded from the cloud again and restored.

@BoxiestAbyss920 , please use Community Support category as you have been asked to use multiple times in the past.

Sorry. I will do that in the future.

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Are you referring to:

“Instead of manually deleting files, try using the profile manager in the controller settings. You should be able to delete saved profiles from there.”

Yes. If you simply delete the files in Windows Explorer, they will be loaded from the cloud and restored the next time you start MSFS. For deleting profiles, the profile manager in MSFS is better.

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